The simplest of Nespresso espresso machines, the Inissia makes good espresso quickly.

The Inissia is a super-simple espresso machine from Nespresso. It’s the latest model in their OriginalLine of espresso machines. It’s their least expensive too.

While we have a few other espresso machines in the house, this is the one I find myself using the most.

A few reasons why the Nespresso Inissia might be a great fit for you.

First, it has a super-slim profile and doesn’t take up much counter space. That matters to us as we have a small kitchen.

Next, it’s really fast. It takes less than 30 seconds to warm up, and less than that to make a shot of espresso.

Plus, it’s simple to operate. It has just two buttons. Press either one to start it, and then press one if you want a regular shot of espresso and the other if you want a Lungo. A Lungo is a longer shot, with more water.

And that’s it. There’s no off switch. It turns off automatically after 9 minutes.

The only thing you might find missing is a milk frother. Without a frother you can make as much espresso as you like, but you can’t make a latte or cappuccino.

As you’ll see in the video, you can solve that problem with a manual milk frother for under $15. Very fast and simple to use.

That combo of the fast and simple Inissia plus a manual milk frother puts a latte on my desk every day.

Certainly there are fancier models in the Nespresso lineup. Some of them have electric milk frothers included. Or you can buy an electric frother separately.

The Nespresso Inissia espresso machine.The Nespresso Inissia uses capsules, which makes it super-easy to make a quick espresso with minimum fuss and mess.

The Inissia is way easier to use than a regular espresso machine.

This is a lot easier to use that the semi-automatic machines I own.

Is it as good as making espresso in a semi-automatic espresso machine, tamping fresh ground coffee in the portafilter, and steaming and frothing the milk with a steam wand?

No, it isn’t. At least, not if you know what you’re doing.

But it is a lot easier.

It’s the ease of use that I appreciate most days.

But if someone sends me a quality espresso blend, then I’ll go old-school. I’ll grind the beans just before use, tamp the ground coffee into the portafilter with just the right amount of pressure, and do the whole thing right.

That’s a whole different thing and a whole different experience.

But like I say, most days I just like to keep things simple.

Oh…and I know some people will have issues with a couple of things from the video. First they’ll tell me I should use the espresso setting and not the Lungo setting when making a latte. Second, they’ll tell me that frothing milk manually is not the same as using a steam wand, because the steam wand adds some water to the milk.

I know that.

But the way I make it in the video is the way I like it.

And that’s the only real goal we should all strive for when making any kind of coffee, whatever the equipment.

Make it the way you like it.

As for the Inissia, it’s a keeper.

If you can’t find one locally you can get it on

Capsules for the Nespresso Inissia.You can find capsules for the Nespresso Inissia from a variety of third-party companies.

NOTE: This product was sent to us free in return for a review. (That said, we always reserve the right NOT to review a free product if we don't like it, or feel you wouldn't like it.)

About the author: Nick Usborne, aka Coffee Detective, is a writer and long-time coffee enthusiast. Read more…

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