Does Yuban use a non bean 'filler'?


I love strong coffee. Until just recently, I've always purchased bulk beans to grind myself before brewing.

To save on grocery spending I have been buying Dark Roast Yuban. One day I decided to grind their coffee to get more flavor from it. It is very odd, but I get a strange pain in my throat after drinking some, that reminds me of an allergic reaction I get from eating honey.

Might there be some non coffee bean substance being used to bulk up the grounds?

Thanks so much,



I’m not sure I understand the question.

If you are buying whole bean coffee, then you must have been grinding it from the outset.

If you are buying ground coffee, then I don’t understand why you would want to grind it.

With regard to Yuban adding a filler of some kind, I don’t see how that could even be possible if you are buying beans. And if you are buying ground coffee, then it will be 100% ground coffee, unless stated otherwise on the label.

Ground coffee is just ground coffee beans, unless you buy some kind of coffee beverage which includes flavoring, powdered creamer, sweeteners, and so on. But I don’t think Yuban sells those kinds of beverages.

Perhaps you could clarify the question for us.

Comments for Does Yuban use a non bean 'filler'?

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by: pistachio

I think Jim used to buy whole beans but....... to save grocery money he has been buying Ground Yuban and REgrinding it to get more flavor from it like the beans he Used to buy and grind.....

Jim,,,, maybe your are getting coffee dust in your throat.....regrinding ground coffe is gonna make it Too Fine......

Check our tongue,,, is it black after coffee...

look in the bottom of your cup,, is there a muddy substance?

try Yuban not reground and a percolator!


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