Do I ingest any aluminum from Nespresso pods?

by Rhonda

Nespresso machine with capsules

Nespresso machine with capsules


I own several Nespresso machines and love them, but my kids are concerned about trace amounts of aluminum that could be found in my coffee from each time the machine punches holes in the pods in the coffee making process.

Has anyone ever done any heavy metal testing on Nespresso-made coffee?


Rhonda, hi

I can certainly understand the concern. I try to avoid exposure to aluminum myself, and for my family.

That said, I use my Nespresso machine a couple of times a week, and I’m not overly concerned.

Nespresso capsules are made with aluminum, but have a food-grade shellac coasting. This means the ground coffee inside the capsule has no contact with the aluminum.

And when you run the machine, the hot water comes through the steel “needle” at the top and directly into the capsule.

The only time I think the water comes into contact with the aluminum itself is when it exits the capsule.

But that’s a very short exposure to just the edges of the capsule. A very small surface area.

So yes, there is probably some exposure to the aluminum…briefly.

And while I’m no scientist, I have a feeling that there are a lot of other environmental poisons out there that will kill me long before my Nespresso capsules have a chance!

Ultimately, this is one of those things that comes down to personal choice.

I think the danger from these capsules is very small… but if you’re looking for ways to reduce the toxic load on your system, it’s not unreasonable to reduce that load in every way you can.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Best wishes,


Comments for Do I ingest any aluminum from Nespresso pods?

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Aluminium in Nesspresso Pods
by: Aranza

I have the same concenr about the aluminum being released with the hot water while coffe brewing .
I did an epigenetic test and Im super high in heavy metals
Did someone find out if this could be an important source of getting this heavy metal ?

Can taste it
by: Anonymous

I can taste a metallic taste in Nespresso coffee. I don’t like the taste and it ruins tge coffee for me. I suspect it’s the aluminum.

My aluminum levels are through the roof
by: Joey

The aluminum does get into your body with Nespresso capsules. I had a hair sample test done and my aluminum levels are through the roof. I’m going to cut down on Nespresso and report back how long it takes for the aluminum levels to come back down to normal levels. I guess I’ll go back to Starbucks.

Nespresso coffee pods
by: Linda

I have read they also contain a toxic chemical called Furan which is harmful to the liver

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