How to I choose the best coffee roast?

by Donald
(Farmingville, NY)

Dark roast coffee beans.

Dark roast coffee beans.


I recently purchased a new coffee maker and grinder and now I wonder what kind of coffee roast to buy. What's the difference between a light roast and a dark roast, for instance?


The kind of coffee roast you choose is going to depend on the taste you prefer when you drink your coffee.

Europeans typically prefer a dark roast. This gives you a stronger and more intense flavour.

North Americans generally prefer a medium roast. In fact, even if you buy from places like Starbucks, which promote their dark roasted flavor, the roast is a lot lighter compared to some European roasts.

People who are really into the varying tastes of coffees from different regions around the world will quite rightly point out that the darker the roast, the more of the flavor you lose. In fact, if you roast coffee beans for too long, you just get a slightly charred taste.

My advice is to start with a medium roast. Try coffees from different parts of the world, all of them medium roasted, and see what you think. Then try some lighter and darker roasts and find out where your personal preference lies.

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Jun 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

Europeans prefer darker roasts because they give a stronger flavor, but dark roasts cook out the flavor or the beans? Huh?

Editor's note: You may lose some of the subtleties of the flavor with a dark roast, but you get a "stronger" taste overall.

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