Lively Up! 5-Bean Espresso Blend from Marley Coffee – dark, sweet and satisfying.

First of all, thank you to the folks at for sending us some samples of Marley Coffee.

The first of the coffees we tried was the Lively Up!, which is an organic, medium-roast, 5-bean blend.

As always, we ground the beans fresh, brewed the coffee, let it cool for a couple of minutes, and then tasted it black.

Well, we love it. And for that reason we have to be careful how we review it. Not everyone has the same preferences when it comes to coffee.

What first struck us is that while this is absolutely a strong, rich coffee, it isn’t in the least bit bitter.

This is great news for anyone who loves a strong brew, but isn’t a fan of that bitterness that grabs your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

The lack of bitterness is likely because although the coffee tastes rich and dark, it is a medium roast coffee, and not dark roasted.

So where does the strength come from? For us, it came through as a sweet, dark chocolate flavor. Very rich, very deep.

Layered on top of those, mainly in the aftertaste, you get a hint of nuts and caramel.

For the coffee addict who likes a hard hit with their first brew, Lively Up! combines strength with a wonderful taste profile.

It isn’t every day you find that combination of strength and quality in a single coffee.

Two cups up!

You can learn more about Lively Up! at Marley Coffee

About the author: Nick Usborne, aka Coffee Detective, is a writer and long-time coffee enthusiast. Read more…

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