Nespresso Lattissima

by Omar A. Bafarat
(Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

The Nespresso Lattissima Coffee Maker

The Nespresso Lattissima Coffee Maker

Honestly its expensive ,but it worth every cent when you taste the coffee..

It uses the coffee capsules, although it's kinda stupid cuz its restricted to the capsules, but on the other hand you have a wide range of flavours.

At first I kinda regret spending around 500$ on a coffee maker, but after 2 mothes now am really happy :)

Editor's Note: You can buy the Lattissima Espresso Machine at

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Jun 15, 2011
Capsuls verses Beans
by: Anonymous

I had purchased the DeLonghi Magnifica Bean to Cup machine back in Oct 2010, also laying out a large sum of monies, 379 Sterling (UK), yet the end result is well worth it for the freshest cup of coffee and the accessories to make a latte if I wish. The only downside is the noise when the coffee is grinding and brewing yet it is for less than a minute.

I have seen many new styles of coffee machines on the market, and would never have consider a fresh cup of coffee coming out of a pre-packaged capsul. It reminds me of a vending style coffee dispensers.

Now, in all honesty I have not experienced this form of coffee and how it compares to a fresh bean to cup tasting expereince. Then there is the coffee bean and the different tastes. I enjoy trying different beans. How easily accessable are the capsuls and the costs compared to buying the bean and self processing, grinding & preparing? Are you limited to flavours that are offered by the brand I guess in this case Nespresso? Do you have the option to use other products or generic brands?

I will have to try and find a source to try and compare the taste of the coffee from a capsul coffee machine to a freshly ground brewed cup.

Thanks for your story to give a different perspective on coffee and brewing options.


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