The Trade Coffee subscription service – and why it might be a good match for you.

A box from the Trade Coffee subscription service and coffee club

Many thanks to the folks at Trade Coffee for sending us a couple of the coffees they offer.

We’ll get to our review of one of those coffees in a minute. But first, a few words about their subscription service.

What does that mean? A subscription service is the same as a coffee club. Basically, you sign up and they send you new coffees on  a regular basis. You get to set the frequency, depending on how much coffee you drink.

But the Trade coffee service isn’t just about automatic deliver of coffee.

It’s also a curation service, making sure the coffees they offer are of the highest quality.

That’s important, because while trying new coffees is fun, it’s not so much fun when you spend $12 on a bag of coffee beans you end up not enjoying.

The other thing I like about the Trade Coffee approach is that they start out with a 6-step questionnaire to figure out the best matches for your own coffee preferences.

They have 400 coffees to choose from, and want to send you the ones you’ll love the most.

This matching process seems to work, as they’d done it with over 2 millions coffee lovers so far.

You can check out your own coffee preferences by filling out their questionnaire here. (Generally, I don’t much like questionnaires, but this one is easy.)

Trade Coffee subscription questionnaireScreen one of a very simple 6-part questionnaire, designed to match you with the coffees you'll enjoy most.

A good coffee subscription service also gives you the chance to discover new coffees.

It’s great having coffee delivered to your door.

And knowing you’ll only be sent good coffees that match your taste preferences is great too.

But a good coffee club or subscription service does something else too.

It surprises you with new and different tastes from time to time.

In fact, this is probably the best way to discover new and exciting coffees.

And that’s a big deal for those of us who are truly interested in finding new and satisfying flavors to enjoy.

And now for a quick review of one of the coffees that came in our Trade Coffee box.

The Thriller blend from Gimme CoffeeFor such a rich, velvety taste, the roast is surprisingly light.

Trade Coffee sent us two coffees, as you can see in the photo at the top of the page.

We decided to try the Thriller blend from Gimme Coffee.

(Remember, Trade Coffee isn’t a roaster, they’re hunters and curators. In this case, they sourced the coffee from Gimme Coffee.)

Thriller is a blend of Shade Grown coffee beans.

We ground the beans just before brewing, and made the coffee in our Breville Precision brewer.

And, as always, my wife had the first try. She has a way better nose than I do!

From the aroma alone she detected sweet caramel and a hint of nuts.

When it came to tasting the coffee, we were both pleasantly surprised.

As you can see from the second photo, this isn’t a particularly dark roast. But it has a velvety darkness and richness we really enjoyed. Plus some hints of dark cherry fruitiness.

That richness usually comes with a darker roast. But with this coffee, they’ve managed to pull out that sweet, dark flavor without roasting too dark, and with barely a hint of bitterness.

This is really nice coffee!

You can find the Thriller blend on the Trade Coffee site…

And here’s that link again if you want to take their questionnaire and see what coffees they would suggest for you…

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