What is mushroom coffee, and should I try it?

by Norah
(St Johns)



I like to take care of my health and take a few supplements each day. Recently I heard about ‘mushroom coffee’ for the first time.

First, I had no idea mushrooms were supposed to be good for you. Second, I don’t get why they’re added to coffee.

Do you know why? And should I take mushroom supplements? And would it be a good idea to try one of these mushroom coffee combinations?

I’m confused!

Thanks for your help. And I love your site!



Norah, hi

I don’t blame you for being confused! : )

It’s not exactly an obvious combination… mushrooms and coffee!

For sure, there are a lot of wild mushroom types that include a lot of compounds that support human health. I’m actually a fan. I think the value of mushrooms to strengthen our immune systems, and more, is hugely underestimated.

Mushrooms are awesome!

But… as a coffee lover, I’d have to say I’m not a fan of mushroom coffees.

For me, I really enjoy the subtle flavors of a good gourmet coffee. I’m not going to mess with that by adding mushroom powder to the brew!

If I was going to take mushroom supplements, I’d take them separately, in a capsule. Or maybe as a powder in a smoothy.

Mushrooms are great. Gourmet coffee is amazing. But keep them separate!

As for WHY companies put mushroom powder in coffee… my guess it that the idea is to make it more convenient to take mushroom supplements each day.

But not for me, thanks.

You can find out more about mushroom coffee on the Incredible Mushrooms website .

Best wishes,


Comments for What is mushroom coffee, and should I try it?

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I too have tried the said coffee in the pic...
by: Sam

I have to tell you I was working late night for a project that I wanted to get done ASAP!

I asked my Wife to make a cup of coffee but, she informed me that we where fresh out of coffee.

It was late and so I started going trough our cabinet and I found a sample that the company that makes this coffee had sent us some time ago.

My Wife offered to brew it for me to see if I would even like it...

Man! I gotta tell you it was LOVE at first taste!

I feel more clarity and a TON of ENERGY trough out the day! - That's my 2 Cents.

Why mushroom coffee?
by: Azwe

Good day! Thought I might just toss in a couple cents here as I, myself, recently tried that exact brand of shroomy brew pictured above. I actually loved it, mainly for the energy-boosting factor, along with the immunity-boosting effects. Although it is merely an organic Arabica blend, I believe the answer to "Why?" coffee and mushrooms is that it does offer an easy, much more palatable way to ingest the fungus. I mix it with my gourmet beverage and I'm off to the races! Namaste

by: Anonymous

Thank for sharing.

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