Where to find A & P branded coffees?

by michael d.
(wonderful Fort Pierce Florida)

A&P Coffees

A&P Coffees

Before A&P closed their stores for years,for decades they sold their own branded coffee in bags in whole bean and you would grind it at the register.

They were:

Eight O'Clock the red bag

Red Circle the yellow bag

Bokar the black bag

they were prices with 8' oclock and the least expensive and Bokar the most,,,, each had a distinctly different taste.

8 O'clock,, the thinnest and least flavorful of all no matter how much grounds you used

Bokar was always edgy, winey and sharp,,,, strong but not a full rich flavor....

Red Circle was KING,, the best a fully rounded and deeply textured rich flavorful coffee....at a Very reasonable price.


that was the one they stopped making,,,,,

It is like trying to find a long lost love,,,,, and having no luck at all.......

okay,,,, any suggestions!??!

michael d.


ps I think that the Eight O'clock " Columbian" coffee is excellent !

Comments for Where to find A & P branded coffees?

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Jul 20, 2024
Coffee Connoisseur
by: David

The Red Bag (your lost love) can be found at Publix Grocery Stores in ... (Florida) i just bought a one pound bag of whole bean Eight O'Clock 100% Colombian, medium roast for $6.99

Feb 06, 2023
You had to get the Bokar to get a good enough, not too weak taste,
by: Anonymous

You had to get the Bokar to get a decent cup of coffee. Otherwise, the A and P Eight O’Clock coffee was too week and you had to use too much of it to get it tolerable. I don’t know about the Red Label. I never tried the Red Label.

Jan 31, 2022
by: Anonymous

You CAN buy A & P BOKAR coffee on Amazon. I just placed an order for another 1 lb bag whole bean


Sep 12, 2019
No Bokar
by: Bob C

You cannot get the Eight O'clock Bokar (black bag) on Amazon, although it does carry other blends. Until Christmas 2018 you could get it on Canadian Favourites but that store has closed permanently due to the owner's death.
Does anyone actually purchase this blend, on line? And if so, where?

Jun 07, 2019
Amazon has it.
by: Anonymous

Bokar coffee - https://amzn.to/31fJvVs

Feb 08, 2018
I know where to find it.
by: Beverley

8 o'clock coffees are still available in Canada. I live in the Toronto area and Metro Super markets, Formerly Dominion Stores has the huge bags, at least 2 lbs. for sale this week at $6.99. Usual price is $18.00 Plus!!!! 3 colours of bags are Black, Bdeige and Red. None of them say what strenght they are, but I assume that the Black Bag is thde strongest.

Jul 03, 2017
8 0'clock and Bokar
by: Anonymous

Still available at Metro in Canada, the Ontario stores at least.

Mar 17, 2017
8 O'clock coffee
by: Anonymous

I have always loved 8 O'clock coffe. First had it as a teen. I still buy it today. They have it at Shoppers food warehouse, Giant food, and Walmart. I wouldn't buy any other kind. I don't think it wimpy, lol. I think it's delicious!

Jun 30, 2016
Where can I find Bokar coffee
by: Andre

Il live in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Where can I find Bokar coffee, before my wife goes crazy.

Apr 15, 2013
Numerous Places carry A&P Coffee brand
by: Bill Bowen

In this area (NE Ohio) a number of stores carry the A&P Eight O'Clock coffee, including Wal-Mart and Giant Eagle (a lot of the old A&P stores became Giant Eagles, including my old A&P in Verona, PA).

The Eight O'Clock Bold Italian Roast reminds me a LOT more of a cross between Red Circle and Bokar. This is one blend that is even available in Keurig "K Cups", and you can buy the Eight O'Clock K Cups on Keurig's web site. About 95% as good as the Tully's Italian Roast for 30% less cost. Can't beat that combo with a stick!!

I'll admit I was a bit leary the first time I bought the "new" Eight O'Clock, remembering as a kid that this brand was the "wimpy coffee" of the A&P brand, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good it actually is.

Jun 19, 2012
Best flavor
by: ET

The best coffee I ever had was at a friend's home, so I asked what it was. She said it was an equal mixture of the 3 A&P coffees! Of course, now I can only find 8 o'clock. What a shame.

Aug 22, 2011
A&P Coffee Canister
by: Anonymous

I would like to get info on a A&P Coffee Service self measuring canister distributed by A&P Food Stores.It is a round tin canister about the size of a pound of coffee that measures out a serving of ground coffee with each pull of the handle.

Jun 18, 2010
Eight O'clock coffee, found it!
by: Mama Geri

For years our super Walmart has stocked the coffee you are looking for. Just look on the coffee isle on the top shelf. towards the end. I purchase it often. If you do not see it there ask one of the stock people or ask at the customer service desk. I also live in Florida I'm sure it's there for you. If you have a Winn-Dixie grocery store they also stock it. It's easy to overlook it due to all the different brands for sale. Best wishes!

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