Which is the smoothest coffee?

by Jamie
(Toledo Ohio)

Smooth Coffee on a mild day outside.

Smooth Coffee on a mild day outside.


For several years I've been drinking Schuil's cappuccino blend coffee then suddenly last year they changed something (although they won't admit it).

I'm not sure if they've changed their roasting process or who they buy their beans from, but I use a French press and I'm fairly positive it's nothing on my end. ... Anyway, it was a "medium dark" coffee that had a rich coffee flavor with no bitterness or acidic aftertaste.

It was super smooth ... Since then I've tried myriad other coffees (Higher Grounds, Newman's Own, Eight O'Clock, Maddie & Bella, etc.).

Over the last year I've spent a TON of money trying to find a really good coffee and my question to you (or your girlfriend) is, ... what is the richest, smoothest coffee you've had and where can I get it?

Please help me if you can.

Thank you.


Interesting question. I bet – and hope – we’ll get a lot of suggestions below from people who have their own favorites.

And that’s the thing...one’s assessment of what constitutes “smooth” can be fairly subjective.

In my book a smooth coffee should never be a weak or mild coffee. It’s too east to be “smooth” when the taste is light and without body.

I look for a coffee that has a strong body, but is without harsh spikes of either acidity or flavor notes like citrus or even sweetness.

Smooth has to have body, but still be even, without jarring notes.

Some coffees, like Dunkin’ Donuts, have smoothness in the job description. When you are brewing for everyone, your coffee has to have a strong coffee taste, but without surprises.

Coffees our readers have recommended include Tully’s, Coffee AM, Choc Full O’ Nuts, Gloria Jean’s and Gevalia.

By region, you might want to try coffees from Central America.

And if you want to go high-end and expensive, get your hands on one of my my personal favorites,100% Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.

I hope this helps.


Comments for Which is the smoothest coffee?

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Not all Kona is the same
by: Anonymous

I visited Hawaii and while there bought 3 different brands of 100% Kona coffee. They were not all smooth. However, Hualalai Estate 100% Kona was perfect. No bitterness, no acid, just smoothness. My wife doesn't like dark coffee, but loves this stuff. It is very pricey, but worth it. Buy the whole bean and give it a shot. You can buy it on Amazon.

Smooth no smoky flavor
by: Anonymous

The non bitter non "strained through an ashtray" taste I’ve found is STOK Coffee. STOK cold brew at most grocery stores is the smoothest I’ve found so far. I can drink it right out of bottle cold or heat it up which is a great tasting treat!

I like Duncan
by: NH Mark

My Wife and I buy 1# bags of original blend ground coffee from the Duncan stores not the supermarket, the taste is consistent and never bitter or burnt and very affordable, sometimes on sale two bags for ten.

Smoothest is Vietnamese chon coffee
by: Steve

I had my first Vietnanese chon coffee. Civet cat poo coffee in Hanoi. My definition of strong but smooth coffee was forever changed. I now special order a very good and affordable brand "I love my weasel." You can get it on Amazon. What does this coffee taste like? It has a natural Cacao and salted caramel taste. Smoothest coffee in the world and delicious. Only $12-$13 a bag it's a luxury you can afford. So much better than kapi luwak.

Smoothest bold coffee I’ve tasted with no bitterness
by: Anonymous

The best tasting coffee I’ve come across in thirty years of drinking coffee is Death Wish Coffee. I was amazed. My husband is a die hard bold coffee drinker - I was always a medium to medium light coffee drinker but Death Wish is so smooth and being as bold as it is surprisingly free of bitterness - that is just amazing. Try it, you’ll like it.

White Coffee brand
by: Anonymous

I recently bought a bag of beans off of Amazon. The brand was White Coffee and I chose the Viennese beans. I ground it fine and used the moka pot to make a cup. It has a slight hint of bitterness to it but that's nothing compared to other brands. First thing my daughter said was that it is strong without being bitter.

Blue Sky Kona Coffee
by: Anonymous

This is a $$$ coffee, but very smooth and not bitter. We prefer their OHANA medium roast.


1820 from Costa rica
by: Sam

Best I've ever had that I would say fits the description of smooth coffee and has been loved by everyone I've shared it with is 1820 whole bean. I've only found it on store shelves in Costa Rica and then severely overpriced on Amazon. Well worth it if you can find it

Anything from BRC
by: Jcatt77

Any of the coffees that they offer from Black Rifle Coffee I have found to be very smooth and very flavorful. So much so that, when I was gifted a sampler pack, I immediately switched to exclusively their brand of coffee. My absolute favorites by them are the Just Black and Beyond Black.
They have no bitterness and no acidic reproduction from drinking a lot of it...which I get after having something like a DnD coffee.

Classico illy Medium roast
by: Anonymous

Illy medium roast Classico if that doesn’t do well just good luck my fellow coffee drinker while bean use a French press

Ground Works coffee roasters
by: Luxie

Problem I have experienced these last 10 years or so is the influx of truly terrible coffees, mostly housed under the medium roast label (but not always so you are never safe) and they are sour, harsh, vinegary and dreadful. They are like "flowery" craft beers That are equally dreadful in that most cafes etc.. now only serve this swill, started with those Green Bean roasts that are awful And the ball kept rolling. I have been able to find some roasters that do still make a nice quality bean and locally here in Southern Ca it’s Ground Works roasters and their Bitches Brew beans (named after the Miles Davis album of the same name so thinned skinned types don’t get all fussy about the name). It’s rich and wonderful, not sure how far they reach as far as retail as Whole Foods here carries it but since quarantine I just order it online even though the roaster is 10 miles from me. I miss going to the Groundwork’s cafes around town and sitting and enjoying their brew. I use it primarily in my Chemex and my stove top Moka but have also used it with my Francis Francis espresso maker and they where all excellent.

Illy Red Tin
by: Illy

My god, Illy brand coffee, particularly in the red tin, is as smooth as silk. All these other comments have me bookmarking this post to see if any top it.

Italian Roast
by: Anonymous

I lived in Italy for several years and I missed the coffee. I find that illy Forte (black) is the best I can find in stores in USA, Cafe d'Arte is also good but you mostly get it online. Usually, the darker the roast the more suspended solids and more body. You should also avoid using a paper filter as that will make a real clean coffee, so less smooth.
I was using AeroPress but I had to hack it to get a good tasting coffee, that's how I came up with joepresso, the espresso attachment for AeroPress.

can't go wrong w/ DeathWishCoffee.com
by: RN

some of the smoothest coffee i have ever been introduced to, and have since preferred over all others (including Dunkin Donuts):

Death Wish Coffee (Deathwishcoffee.com)


Valhalla Java Odin Force (also Deathwishcoffee.com)

I'm not pushing them, i have no stakes in their game. It was introduced to me by a fellow night shift RN. He used to purchase online only but now the company seems to be making their way into retail stores.

Fresh Costa Rican Is Smoothest
by: Russell

The smoothest coffee beans in the world come from Costa Rica. Additionally those beans are most importantly fresh roasted. By fresh, I mean they were roasted less than 48 hours before they arrived on your doorstep. I recommend that you just search the internet for "Smoothest Coffee".

Marley Lively Up
by: Anonymous

Don't let the "espresso" roast dissuad you from making regular coffee from this. I even use a K-Cup to make an 8oz. cup of coffee that is the closest I can get to european rich/mellow in a K-cup.

Maui Coffee Roasters
by: Anonymous

I have been buying whole bean coffee from Maui Coffee Roasters for 20+ years and look forward to each and every cup. Smooth and flavorful.

Hills High Yield
by: gary atkinson

Just try it!

by: Piper

Deathwish coffee person sonata written above is the bomb....lol or romantic novels. :)

You need to review for a living. Quite enjoyable

Cuban coffee yellow & red bag at supermarkets Really pretty decent coffee Café Bustelo Cheap but delish!

Coffee jitters
by: Anonymous

The reason why coffee gives me the jitters as far as I have learned, is not the caffeine content, but how much Mold was on the beans before roasting. As coffee is dried on large concrete pads at the farmers property, it can grow mould. Not always, but sometimes, depending on the weather. Mould contains mycotoxins, that gives me the jitters and impairs my brain functions. Once coffee is roasted, the mouldy flavour disappears, but the mycotoxins stay on the beans.

Smoothest coffee
by: Pam Devins

Starbucks used to have two blends that I loved and they no longer have them.
One was Ethiopian and the other was Sulwesi ! I'm searching for something as smooth. I would imagine that a good kona would be smooth!
Any suggestions are appreciated!

European coffee
by: Anonymous

For those who have traveled to Europe, we drank Jacob's coffee all the time. Dallmayr PRODOMO beans offer ground is very smooth ... better than Jacob's) . Both from Germany. Both available from Amazon. We have bought some expensive coffee makers (currently own a Ninja wernick I like) but my sit down to savor coffee is made using my camp stove percolator pot. Even Foldgers is not so bitter ....

by: Anonymous

I have spent some time in Europe and their regular every day coffee is so smooth and creamy. Even on the plane SAS the coffee was this way. They are not making it in some fancy gismo. It is just their everyday coffee and it is like a thin milk shake. I would love to know how to make coffee like that.

Research on coffee regulations
by: Anonymous

Most Companies that ship coffee to the US purchase the beans that the rest of the world doesn’t want. Other countries have regulations on coffee beans... the reason Starbucks burns their beans is because they are killing off the mold on the beans. Companies purchase the bad beans to make more money. The old beans you loved are probably sold by the same company in a different country. Coffee lovers can fight legislators, but I bet Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks have lobbyissts persuading them with money to leave our standards of coffee at the bottom and to not change any regulations we currently have... which I believe are: None.

I’m sick of hearing this across the board... when is one of the greatest countries in the world going to indeed be one of the greatest counties in the world? When are legislators, lobbyists and big companies going to stop preventing Americans from having the best??

Cocoa Cola - original regular formula uses corn syrup... somewhere along the manufacturing, they also changed the formula because it’s cheaper. If you go to Mexico, their formula contains no corn syrup. It contains cane sugar. Texan restaurants are known for purchasing Mexican Cocoa Cola — an American company, selling better products in another country... Same with McDonalds and their burger meat, I can go on and on...

Current favorite
by: Nadine

Try Aldi organic single origin Peruvian coffee. Comes in whole bean only.

Jacob's insta
by: Coffee Dilettante

I have to say I have a french press it's cheap but it's good if you let the coffee settle for four minutes and press like any other regular joe (lol pun intended), but recently I've fallen in love with Jacob's instacoffee. It's cheap but my god follow the instructions put some cream and sugar and it's a beautifully smooth coffee.

Best Coffee
by: Danielle

The best coffee I have ever had was at Todaro brothers on east 31st street NYC. An Italian deli. Back in the day I would get a croissant and coffee and the coffee was smooth and flavorful! It was their 'Private Blend" and it had a tiny hint of hazelnut as I think they blend the beans in the same grinder. Amazing! a few years ago I found my second favorite which is a coffee Roster in Long Island NY. The colombian blend 'Mesas De Le Santos.. http://www.georgioscoffee.com/. If you call him and tell him what you want, he will ship you the coffee. Just Amazing!!

Cameron's Coffee
by: Anonymous

Cameron's Coffee, roasted in Minnesota, is the most consistently smooth coffee I've ever had. Light or dark roast, their coffee is full of flavor without ever being bitter. If you can't find it in your local store, you can buy straight from their website (Cameronscoffee.com).

Old Farmer Bro Recipe
by: Charlie Crash

Does anyone remember, Farmer Brothers Coffee? The original recipe was great, drinking it black. Does anyone know what they used for beans and what is the closest comparable coffee?

A few great choices
by: Anonymous

I don't know if you can buy all of these coffee's for a French press, but I do know they are readily available for the Keurig machines, as these are my all time favourites, and all of them are rich and smooth.

#1) Barrie House (kohna Hopa) - aka Hawiian
#2) (Bob) Marley Coffee - Get Up Stand Up
#3) Kahlúa (non- alcoholic of course)
#4) Van Houtte - original house blend
(Also available for French press)

Hope this helps a little bit.

Silverhook coffee the roast is called Kodiak
by: Anonymous

By far for me is the Silverhook brand from Alaska they have been my go to brand for whole beans with the roast called Kodiak is the smoothest.

Yo!,,, deathwish barista............
by: Anonymous

I Want That Girl !!!! [and the coffee!]

woo hoo!!!!

Try Deathwish
by: Anonymous

While I cannot attest to having tasted a great deal of coffee by brand, I, as a Starbucks employee, have tried nearly every coffee they have to offer (though most of the Reserve blends are out of my reach as a lowly barista) I can say that I truly believe Deathwish coffee out does them all. It's odd, but my method of experiencing coffee is rather like having an experience with a woman. Deathwish is like a Suicide Girls model, fully tattooed, covered in piercings, wearing small articles of black clothing that make this modest commenter require a cold shower and a good lie down - she's gorgeous. Sit down to a cup, naturally black, brewed at the recommended, powerful ratio of 2 and a half tablespoons per 6oz and take that first sip,powering through the heat, you're not about to wait for it to cool, and she slips her tongue down your throat- quickly, forcefully,but so gentle that, despite your instinct to push her away, you kiss her back, passionately sipping and guzzling your morning cup of coffee until it's finished and you're left with a bit, steaming, empty cup and a warm tingle, part fantasy, part admiration, part the tremendous caffeine content. That's right, I'm saying that Deathwish coffee is as smooth as an attractive woman's passionate kiss. I will recommend this coffee to anyone, in fact, a good reason why I'm writing my Starbucks job is because this coffee has ensnared me. Give it a shot.

Searching for the Holy Grail
by: gridflash

Searching for the smoothest full body coffee is like looking for the Holy Grail.

But I will say that Nick's recommendation of 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is about as close as most people are ever gonna get. Kona is probably a second choice although the acid is a little high.

Having said that, the Best I have ever had was on a coffee plantation in Costa Rico. There is a striking difference between what you buy in a store and what it tastes like when it's fresh.

We all agree that Monsooned Malabar is the smoothest
by: Anonymous

We all have way different preferences for our coffee in my family, but we all agree that Monsooned Malabar beans sold by Fresh Roasted something (I can't remember the vendor's whole name) on Amazon is as smooth as we have ever found. Their Tanzanian Teaberry is a close tie.

Light to medium roast can make a smoother flavor, but some companies put Robusto beans in their lighter roast "Breakfast Blend" coffees, as Robusto beans are cheaper and tend to taste burnt. (Be aware: light roast increases caffeine content, and Robusto beans also have higher caffeine content, so both together can make you jittery, if you are not used to it.)

Baking Soda??
by: Anonymous


Really, it does sound Strange but as the main ingredient in TUMS and the remarkable way that Acid is immediately reduced the theory is great...

Still I wonder, does it adversely affect flavor??

[ and, ?is it fizzy? (LoL ! ) ]


smoothest I have found at a restaurant
by: kuhn77

Big Boys in Valleyview, Ohio...smoothest cup of coffee I've ever had. Won't talk about the food though.
Wish I could figure out what they have and where to get it.

Baking soda
by: Anonymous

I have not yet found the perfect coffee. Tully has been the best. I've resorted to adding a quarter of a teaspoon baking soda to the grounds. That helps immensity immensely

European coffee are famous for their smooth coffees
by: Anonymous

I have been looking for quite some time for a good cup of coffee that is not burnt and bitter and did a lot of research and found Dallmayr prodomo. I purchased the whole beans which are 100% arabica beans, the beans are mildly roasted which has no bitterness when brewed, you can taste the flavors in the coffee beans from the region it was grown, it is smooth and has no bitterness, it is truly a wonderful cup of coffee that you can drink black.

by: Anonymous

We love to drink Starbucks Columbia or the Breakfast Blend every morning. We have tried others but we just come back to this brand. I hope you enjoy your coffee as much as we do.

Tim hortons
by: Anonymous

For coffee on the go, Tim hortons is great. Bold, but not bitter. I'm going to try their ground beans today since my current eight o'clock coffee seems to have changed their process.

Life is too short to be Bitter
by: Pale Rider

Cowboy Coffee - ryanbroscoffee.com

Which is the smoothest coffee?
by: Jamie

Thanks so much for all of the comments ... they really do help.

Smooth coffee?
by: JuanG

Like the boss said, thats kinda subjective.
But if your smooth is like my smooth then your coffee has to be full spectrum flavour and balanced.
The roasting is important, because a dark roast on cheap beans always is going to be bitter... and a light roast on hard beans like guatemalans, always is going to be acidic... I mean not smooth.
So try a Dark Sumatra, a medium Mexican or a light uganda. Dont guarantee smooth... but is a good point to start.

Canned and ground...
by: luxlamf

I didn't know Gevalia had a secret stash of fine coffees the hide from the public, rather suspect that they also put their name on those really terrible products they send out with the free coffee makers trying to rope people into buying heir products.

Don is not bad in a pinch, drip obviously as that's what its ground for or Perc, but if I am going pre Ground Cafe Du Monde and Lavazza are always a treat. None of these work very well in my Chemex unfortunately...

smooth coffee
by: Alicia

Max Crema's COFFEE Roasters has a Kenya Peaberry, a Burundi and a Uganda that are all bold but smooth. It's in the bean but the roast is very important!

Contact them at 16108989001
They will ship!

by: Luxlamf

I am surprised anyone ever recommends Gevalia, it's quite possibly the Worst coffee I have ever had the misfortune to try. My Ex Wife used t sign up for the Free Coffee Pot offers they would give if you bought their coffee, so it was around and I would think "Hmmm it cannot be as bad as I remember" and I would do it again and "Blah".

Locally I enjoy several of the Trader Joes coffees, if you have a Traders their Italian, French, Bay Blend, Joe's Dark all very good. They also have a Ultra Dark Roast series I really enjoy.
I also order from Community Coffee, based out of Louisiana, available in stores in the South they run specials every few months of 20% off and free shipping, their Dark and French roasts are what I use most.

smoothest coffee
by: Anonymous

Matador, Phoenix, AZ

Don Francisco
by: pistachio


your in Ohio / I think you can avail yourself of this coffee if not on the shelves then on the net....

I am suggesting their regular and standard coffee / not their specialty blends or roasts........

I have had it and it was smooth and tasty..........

here is the URL:


if the url for some reason disappears just search Don Francisco Coffee....


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