Why has my Tassimo brewer stopped working?

by Penny
(Vulcan, AB)

Our Bosch Tassimo Brewer

Our Bosch Tassimo Brewer


I have a problem with my Bosch Tassimo brewer. It turns on just fine. But when I add a T-Disc and then press the big button, it doesn’t brew. This is happening whether I’m just brewing coffee, or put a milk T-Disc in to make cappuccino.

It’s weird because when I press the button, I do hear the machine come to life. It makes the usual noise. But the water doesn’t come through. I have tried turning the machine on and off to “reset” it, but that hasn’t helped.

Do you know what the problem is? I would really appreciate some advice!



Penny, hi

Thanks for the question. You’re in luck…I think. We have had a similar problem with a Tassimo we use from time to time.

I did the same as you, trying to reset the brewer. I also descaled it, just in case.

Assuming your problem is the same as ours was…and it sounds like it might be…the solution is really simple.

You know how every T-Disc has a bar code? When you place the T-Disc in the brew-head, the barcode lies flat on a small area of glass. Or maybe it’s clear plastic. Anyway, beneath that glass or plastic is the barcode reader.

Our problem was that the glass or plastic had become dirty and the reader could no longer “see” the barcode clearly.

As a result, although the brewer came to life – just as you describe – it didn’t know what to do, because it wasn’t receiving any information from the barcode on the T-Disc. So it did nothing!

Here’s what you do. Turn the machine off, lift up the brew head, lift up the thin tray on which you place the T-Disc, and then look for the glass/plastic screen. If it’s dirty, give it a good cleaning.

Once we had cleaned ours, the problem was solved immediately. I hope it works for you too!


Comments for Why has my Tassimo brewer stopped working?

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Jun 02, 2024
Exploding Tassimo Decaf Pods
by: AuldFogey

Like others here, I've had problems with Tassimo DeCaf coffee pods exploding near the end of the extraction process. Although I haven't found any ways of stopping it, I have used a workaround so that I can keep drinking decaf. Sounds like a bit of a hassle but once you've done it a few times it takes hardly any time and produces a good cup of coffee.
I use one of these reusable pods you can buy online. Cut round the Tassimo pod with a sharp knife and pull off the foil (after my first few attempts I can now get it off in one go). Lay the reusable pod on top with the 2 holes line up and turn the 2 pods upside down - the coffee will transfer neatly. If you don't have a tamper to go with the reusable pod you can just put the lid on and make the coffee - it tastes the same but will have no crema. If you do have a tamper and pack the coffe down before putting the kid on, it comes out more or less the same as from the pod - ie, good crema.
Not ideal but better than having to do without ...

May 14, 2023
amazing! this fix works!
by: vickie

thanks for mentioning the glass reader... exactly what happened with mine and worked immediately after wiping it clean!

May 28, 2022
discs don't always function
by: normipops

I fund that Costa discs very often don't work in my machine. It can't be the disc reader as inserting a regular tassimo dic immediately after works fine.

Oct 23, 2021
Kenco decaf pods - overheating Tassimo
by: Barry & Tracey

We don't like our Tassimo because whenever we use a Kenco decaf pod it makes the unit overheat and lock the lid - so we can't use it for five minutes to make the second cup! I can't believe Bosch doesn't know this. Bosch products are sometimes not at all good, and this is another. We're looking for another coffee maker!

Oct 15, 2021
Brilliant advice to clean the window
by: Jobberdave

Fantastic you’ve just saved me a lot time and fuss. Cleaned the window now works perffic.

Oct 07, 2021
Clean Reader light
by: John

We have the old 6515GB model.
The "clean window" comes on every time we put in a disk, but it is clean! We know well how to clean it.
We have also tried several different pods, in case the bar code is faulty.
Any suggestions please?

Sep 23, 2021
Green light won't come on
by: Bean

On my machine there is a small mircoswitch on the left hand side, just beneath where you insert your pod. When this switch is depressed the red barcode light comes on. On my machine this switch was stuck so no matter what I put into the machine the light would never turned from orange to green. Keep pressing and gradually cleaning this switch until it depresses and the machine should work. I was about to throw mine away !

May 29, 2021
Wont turn on.,
by: Scott R

This is my second Bosch Tossimo. Again now after one year of use it will just not turn on. No yellow or red will light will come on. Power is fine. It worked this morning and now dead. Is this product just garbage and only supposed to last a little over one year after warranty is up? Seems that way. Please respond with good news or negative reviews and actions to follow.

Disappointed customer.

Scott Ritchey

Apr 21, 2021
Malfunctioning Water Tank Light
by: Sharman

My Tassimo brewer insists the water tank is empty, but it's full. Floater rises properly, barcode reader has been cleaned, can't descale because the machine won't start while the empty tank light is flashing. Any suggestions?

Apr 18, 2021
Tassimo worked with milk pod but not with coffee pod
by: Anonymous

My Tassimo T12 was working fine until yesterday. It works perfectly when I put in the milk pod.
Then when the coffee pod is initiated, there is a delay and the water does not emerge for this part of the brewing. Have you had this problem? I cleaned the bar code with the microsoft cloth thoroughly and after 3 cups trying--no success.
I have 12 packages of Tassimo pods as they've been on special for the past few months. And, of course, Tassimo T12 is no longer available.
What to do?

Apr 10, 2021
My machine won't stop
by: Kevin

My machine won't stop

Mar 20, 2021
Fix the Bosch tassimo
by: Anonymous

Brilliant. Simple and quick remedy. Thank you
I have need fiddling about for hours!!

Mar 18, 2021
Thank you!
by: Eva

Cleaning the little window worked like a charm! Thanks for making my morning a little brighter!

Mar 14, 2021
Red light on when coffee pod in
by: Alex

Machine works okay with milk pod &. latte pod but fail light comes on when lor caramel pod in also works fine with jacobs caramel pods, machine cleaned and barcode reader all clean.
Help !

Mar 02, 2021
It’s Fixed!!!!
by: John Hill

I tried cleaning the plastic window / reader and magically it worked! I thought the machine was finished! Only downside is that the discovery was made at 7:30 pm and I don’t like drinking coffee in the evening as I’m a bad sleeper as it is!😀😀
Many thanks again!

Mar 01, 2021
Machine not working
by: Flossy

Red water tank light is lit and machine not working, I’ve followed all instructions on how to clear the problem but the light is still on. Any advice on how to clear this issue, I’m missing my afternoon latte

Feb 15, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have a Tassimo Vivy 2 coffee maker. I would love a cup of coffee however I can not close the lid. any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

Jan 25, 2021
Not working
by: Richard

Brilliant information, it's now working.Thank you so much.

Jan 11, 2021
Love my Tassimo
by: Anonymous

Thank you ours is now working after cleaning the window!!!!

Jan 06, 2021
Machine not working
by: Sam Betts

Thank you so much for your advice Nick. I followed it and my Bosch Tassimo coffee machine is now working. So pleased.

Jan 06, 2021
Not working
by: Anonymous

All my lights are flashing on my machine I searched up and it said it needs Descaling I've ordered the tablets turned on the machine followed instructions but my machine won't work all lights on pressing buttons but nothing

Jan 02, 2021
by: Ingrid

Just received a tassimo coffee maker for xmas I have gone through the list of cleaning out machine .problem I've got is the costa pods have still got coffee in after use.tried different ones.help

Oct 25, 2020
Why has my Tassimo stop working?
by: Alisa

I have had my Tassimo coffee machine for almost 2 years now and it comes up with a red light every time I try to use it. I’ve tried everything but I think it’s broken for good. Unfortunately I can not find my receipt either. What should I do?

Oct 08, 2020
Coffee machine
by: S malik

Had exact same problem just cleaned it and the green light has come on whereas it was not coming on before when I kept switching it on and off. I'm not having a brew atm buy hopefully it works for for when I do

Oct 02, 2020
Thank you!
by: SeanC

This resolved out issue with the barcode being read! Thank you Nick!

Sep 26, 2020
Stopped Working
by: Anonymous

My bar code window is clean. My machine works fine with the cleaning disc (I have descaled twice trying to fix this problem).

Coffee discs stop brewing within a second after pushing the start button, and the machine goes into heating mode. I have tried 3 different types of coffee so it can't be the barcode strip at fault.

It is a Bosch machine and I can find no help whatsoever on-line. Has anyone else had this problem.

Sep 24, 2020
Never works first time
by: Anonymous

Bought a tassimo coffee maker. Every time I try to use it, it can take up to half an hour to get the thing going. I have cleaned, scrubbed and washed every single part, yes and even taken the top apart to clean the spout and the small barcode panel. I should not have to do this every single time I use a pod! Am so fed up with it I feel like parcelling the thing up and returning it to you.

Jul 17, 2020
by: Anonymous

For those having problems with water delivery\exploding pods. Check the nozzle the coffee pours from, it can get blocked from either end. I used a piece of stiff wire to unblock the nozzle ( there is a chamber between nozzles that can fill with grounds and result in less water coming through).

Jul 12, 2020
stopped working
by: .Valerie

what an easy fix. problem cured immediately!

Jun 25, 2020
Brand new Tassimo Joy
by: Rob


I have a new Tassimo Joy. I followed set up instructions. The machine will not brew. All 3 warning lights flash simultaneously when coffee disc is in place and close the lid. If I take disc out and close lid yellow coffee cup appears. Replace a different disc and all 3 lights flash once again. Any ideas?

Jun 20, 2020
Tassimo Brewer .. WHERE CAN I BUY ONE??
by: DRad

I am desperate to buy a new Tassimo Brewer after the one I had forever stopped working. I can't find any anywhere ... does anybody know where I can buy one?

Jun 06, 2020
Tassimo not delivering water / coffee
by: Martin

On of the most common problems I have experienced with my TAS5542 machine is with small foil disks getting into the nozzle. The foil disks break away from the coffee pod and get into the nozzle. When these accumulate (3 or 4) they can block the nozzle. It is very easy to resolve this problem.
1. Open the pod cover
2. Ease out the pod carrier. This is attached by a tang at the rear and will easily come out using a little force
3. Push the nozzle upwards from the discharge part. The nozzle assembly also includes the puncture / water feed to the pod
4. Give the nozzle a good clean with water (directly from the tap) and this may be enough to clear the foil disks. If the disks don’t all come out I generally get a tooth pick or something similar to poke up the nozzle from both ends and eventually the foil disks will come out. You may need to use water to help to remove the disks at the same time as poking with the tooth pick.
5. Reassemble in the reverse order

May 29, 2020
easy fix
by: sally

thank you for the idea, it worked we were all ready to go out and buy a replacement coffee maker but not now lol

May 27, 2020
tea yes, coffee no
by: Bob

My bar code window is clean. My machine works fine with the cleaning disc (I have descaled twice trying to fix this problem). Tea discs work fine.

Coffee discs (espresso or regular) stop brewing within a second after pushing the start button, and the machine goes into heating mode.

It is Braun machine and their technical support has no advice for me. They referred me to Reliable service and I am awaiting their return call. Has anyone experienced this problem? If so, how did you resolve it?

May 25, 2020
Red light fault
by: Anonymous

Thank you had been trying for days to get machine to work would clean descal then stop after creamer . You are a lifesaver cleaned the barcode reader worked straight away 👍

May 20, 2020
by: Anonymous

Brilliant to have the solution to this, where the coffee disc worked but the milk disc didnt, now 100% fixed, many thanks

May 19, 2020
Cleaned with vinegar
by: Anonymous

I cleaned mine with vinegar and a kitchen towel and went right into the groove at the edge it’s working now I must have lost 1 in 8 Costa Americano discs and I was clearing it but just with a finger cause I was lazy!! Thank you for sharing the fix

May 14, 2020
by: Fi

Didn't realise there was a little glass strip there, & it was filthy. Problem solved, coffee meltdown avoided .... thank you so much!👍

Mar 28, 2020
Tassimo Discs seeming faulty
by: Patty

Thanks Nick! You solved my problem too! The little glass / plastic reader just needed a good wipe - and now the discs work again! THANK YOU !! :-)

Mar 26, 2020
thanks nick
by: Alison

Thank you to Nick - cleaning the bar code worked brilliantly and we are all good to go

Mar 20, 2020
Brewer not working
by: Anonymous

My machine has a t disc stuck in it and I cannot open lid to remove it. Can anyone help please.

Mar 14, 2020
Tassimo troubles.
by: Dr.Bob

Yup...my Tassimo stopped working this morning! I did not realize there was a bar-code reader on these things (Doh!). I looked and, boy howdy, there were coffee grounds (??) on the glass. A quick clean and we're back in business :)

Thanks for the tip about cleaning the glass!!

Mar 05, 2020
Tassimo not working help coffee needed
by: Kay Driscoll

I’ve cleaned my machine including T section when I press for machine to brew a cup it makes the right noises but water not coming through. Any ideas as machine is only a year old?

Feb 26, 2020
Not dispensing properly
by: Nicki Noo

My Tassimo T40 is not dispensing drinks properly, I have descaled it, cleaned the bar code reader and the float is moving freely, when I place in a T disc it only dispenses minimal water and not the full amount, I have tried different T discs and all do the same....any advice please how to solve this problem???

Feb 26, 2020
by: Anonymous

Has anyone else had the problem of their tassimo machine not pushing enough water through even when the tank is full? Mine seems to not fill up the cup as much as it used to. What could be the problem?

Feb 21, 2020
Coffee grinds
by: Anonymous

I would just give it a few cleaning cycles with the yellow disk to clean it up

Feb 14, 2020
coffee grinds in drink
by: Anonymous

Had my bosch T40 for 8 months. Last week i had a morning coffee pod explode spreading around black coffee and coffee grinds. I cleaned up, no more explosions but i still get a few coffee grinds in my milk foam.

any ideas what might be causing it?

It's the first coffee pod explosion since i had it but i have had a couple of milks burst before then. Apart from the grinds it seems normal at the moment.

Feb 09, 2020
red light
by: Anonymous

The red water light was on permanently, even when tank was full.
Stuck a small magnet where the float sits when full and works fine now. You cannot just buy the float, so a cheap magnet fixes it.

Feb 09, 2020
Pod problem?
by: Anonymous

Have you tried different pods? In case it is a problem with the pods you have, does the yellow cleaning pod work OK if you try that

Feb 09, 2020
Orange cup light on tassimo
by: Anonymous

Tassimo machine not working have cleaned bar code reader when putting in pod and turning on orange cup light shows but no noise when pushing start/stop button ?

Jan 08, 2020
red light
by: Anonymous

The red water light is on permanently, there is water in the tank, the float isn't stuck, the bar code is clean but the water red light is permanently on and it does nothing. Any other ideas or it's the bin.


Dec 02, 2019
Useless machine
by: Lynn

My Tassimo has just stopped working..I've cleaned the barcode reader. When l plug it in the light by the cup sign comes on but theres no noise of water boiling then in 30 seconds the light goes out and it just sits there collecting dust. I would never recommend Tassimo.....

Nov 03, 2019
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the advice have cleaned mine after trying to use it unsuccessfully for 3 days and it worked like new. Thanks again

Oct 24, 2019
Tassimo happy 2 days old had two cups of coffee
by: Anonymous


Oct 18, 2019
by: Antonio


Sep 28, 2019
Disk Issue
by: Phyllis D.

I had the same problem of the light turning red. When I removed the disk and inserted another one, it worked fine. This has happened twice. Apparently, the bar codes on some disks can't be read. This seems to be a problem with the disks (in my case, Gevalia dark breakfast), not the machine.

Sep 27, 2019
Tassimo not working properly
by: Ann

I put the disc in,all seems ok but when the top is put down the light goes from green to red and won't brew, any idea what to do?

Sep 19, 2019
by: jay

as soon as I ON the Machine the Water starts dripping nonstop and goes on till I off it any suggestions whats wrong with it

Sep 05, 2019
no brewing
by: Anonymous

the code glass is just purchased machine never been used water not going through for first of 3 you have to do light continually on

Aug 17, 2019
by: George

I found that some of the older tassimo pods had only one barcode and the newer ones have 2.
​the barcode on the older one was in the wrong spot so the newer machine could not read it. used a newer pod and it worked fine

Aug 16, 2019
Useless Latte Milk T Discs.
by: Merlin

This is driving me nuts again! When will they get this sorted? Second machine does the same ..pressurise milk then locks up. Tassimo need the code off the outer wrapping!! Who the hell keeps that ? I am really annoyed that so many of these discs do not work yet nothing has been done by the makers to fix their faults!! The normal milks work fine as do all my Jacobs Cafe Au Lait ones!!

Aug 13, 2019
No Green Light
by: Paula

I can’t get the green light to come on when I press the button. Sometimes the ref & yellow light come on. Sometimes just the yellow light. But the green light won’t come on, even with the cleaning disk.

Aug 08, 2019
Now working
by: Anonymous

Thank you, such a simple solution once you are given the answer!

Aug 04, 2019
It worked
by: Sue

Brilliant it worked, thank you very much.

Jul 23, 2019
It worked!
by: Anonymous

Thank you, all working now :)

Jul 20, 2019
It worked
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the tip and it worked for me! Thank you.

Jul 18, 2019
Red light will not go off
by: Frustrated

Red light came on indicating to descale which I did.
Cleaned glass over bar which reads code.
Turned machine off and back on.
Put in New disc green light comes on but so does red light and machine does not work.

Jul 06, 2019
Half measure
by: Martin

We have a Tassimo Joy Pod Coffee Machine and buy the Grande coffee pods however the machine has started giving only half of the amount it should do
we have to put the disc through twice.

Can anyone help resolve this problem.


Jul 01, 2019
Cappuccino Pods
by: Phyllis D.

After experiencing the exploding Gevalia milk pods, I stopped using our machine for cappuccino. However, I recently tried another brand--Jacobs (available from Amazon)--and the milk pods work fine. Does anyone know whether Gevalia ever fixed the problem with theirs?

Jul 01, 2019
Orange light
by: Jules Gee

Thanks for your info to clean the bar code, reader, it's now worked wonderfully!

Jun 19, 2019
by: Andrea

Brilliant! Thanks so much. Cleaned it up and now it’s working again!!

Jun 18, 2019
by: Simon

I didnt know there was a barcode reader i cleaned it and viola it works great many thanks for your easy fix and well done 😀😀😀😀

Jun 16, 2019
Green & red light on. HELP
by: Anonymous

I Descaled & followed suggestions to clean & prepare my Tassimo. My green light comes on solid and the red light is flashing. What am I doing wrong? HELP

Jun 08, 2019
Tassimo problem solved
by: Sue Powell

thanks so much for your advice. I tried lots of different sites and even youtube and nowhere was there any suggestion that a small screen might be the problem. I didnt even know it had one. Now it works. So thanks again.

Jun 02, 2019
by: Anonymous

That was the problem with mine. Meny thanks!

May 22, 2019
Tassimo not working
by: Judy

I turned off my machine and cleaned the window that reads the bar on the coffee pod as suggested.
Thank you so much it now works again.

May 20, 2019
Solutions to Defective Disks
by: Wally

I have three steps:
1).Smooth out the bar code with your finger;
2).Clean the glass;
3).Keep a good bar code from a previously used disk and tape it over the bar code that doesn't work.
I have never had to throw out a disk using these progressive steps.

May 14, 2019
Saved my morning
by: Anonymous

I was halfway through my coffee and it stopped with the second disc! After googling for ages your solution came up and worked. Thanks for saving my morning!

Apr 28, 2019
Issues with pods not brewing.
by: Anonymous

We had problems with only the milk discs for cappuccino. We cleaned, descaled and off and on. What we have discovered is the foil seemed to not be piercing or the foil was blocking the water. This would result in the "explosion" after brewing. We shake the milk pod, pierce BOTH holes and remove foil before placing on machine. This has helped us.

Apr 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

LOL so easy THANKS

Apr 21, 2019
Tassimo coffee machine
by: Anonymous

I fill it with water but the light indicates fill with water, any tips please.

Apr 19, 2019
So simple when you know how!
by: Anonymous

Many thanks for the advice. Just wiped the little glass section and all is well.

Mar 22, 2019
Tassimo suddenly not working g
by: Melanie

Thank you Nick. My Tassimo just stopped working while I was making a cappuccino. The problem was solved by wiping the bar code plate as you suggested. 😀 Otherwise, I wouldn't have know what to do.

Mar 19, 2019
Reduced size latte pods
by: Trogg

Previously could not get these to work, only - on occasion -using a vanilla latte bar code over the plain latte one. Moved to vanilla and caramel which worked. Since then moved from Costa to Jacobs, and can get their plain latte to work as well as the vanilla and caramel ones.
Did the Costa plain latte problem ever get solved, or is that the reason for taking an ice-pick to the latte pods?

Mar 19, 2019
Given Up!
by: Gerry

After waiting ages for a proper solution I have given up and admitted defeat. I take my coffee black anyway so I don't have a problem but my wife and the rest of the family like it with milk. After many failed attempts with milk pods exploding and locking up the machine I've bought an electric milk frother which heats and froths the milk in one go. It's excellent and everyone agrees the taste of "real" milk is miles better than the pods anyway. Happy days!

Mar 19, 2019
No Failures for a while now
by: Anonymous

I am probably tempting fate here but not had any duff pods for a long while now, I wonder if they have solved the problem of the dodgy Costa Milk Pods

Mar 02, 2019
Not brewing
by: Sally

Many thanks for advice!
Exactly what has happened to mine - a few times now - and I have thrown the pods away thinking they were 'duffs' .
All back to normal!! ☕️

Nov 08, 2018
Tassimo not brewing
by: Anonymous

My tassimo won’t brew the power button works but the cup icon doesn’t flash and when I push he big button it doesn’t brew

Nov 02, 2018
by: Mike B

Same problem here, no foam, just dead flat coffee, laugh whenever you wish, but until Tassimo sort this out, I have a temporary solution.

I bang the machine on my kitchen counter top 3 times, and the problem is solved ( prior to each pod) I use only black coffee so no milk problems,

Apr 04, 2018
tassimo dics
by: Anonymous

Here it is march and still nothing from gevalia on these problems. Will this ever be fixed or should I just get rid of my tassimo. I am very UNHAPPY!

Mar 27, 2018
Fixing the milk pod issue
by: Faiss

Hello Jan. Could you please share an image or illustration on where you create the holes?
I ordered 5 packets on sale but now it seems all will go to waste.


Best Regards,


Mar 19, 2018
Tassimo won’t work
by: Anonymous

Hi my tassimo stopped working I put a disc in but it did not and now it won’t let me open it please can someone help.

Mar 03, 2018
Fixing the milk pod issue
by: Jan

I am updating my post about using an ice pick to poke additional hole in the milk pods. After using this method for awhile, we have decided what works best is to start in the middle of the milk pod, pushing sideways through 2 outer walls but not through the outside of course. We do this twice on 2 sides. The pressure from the machine can then force the milk to foam in your cup properly. It was a little scary at first but just be careful when poking the holes, it will go through pretty easily. This works.

Mar 02, 2018
On pressing start button brewing did not start
by: Nita

Thanks Nick, good advice, after following your advice the brewing started.

Feb 26, 2018
another tip
by: Anonymous

I had the issue even before with the bigger milk so when I found one that worked well I cut off the bar code and just place it on top of the newer ones before I brew.

Usually that works but one of my machines is now doing the exploding thing....very frustrating as the coffee is fabulous. I am assuming the ice pick method just makes a hole through the middle of the disk. The "sideways" threw me.

Feb 25, 2018
Ongoing Tassimo Latte milk pod problems
by: Anonymous

Contacted Jacons Douwe Egberts about this, heres their response, though no acceptabce that thereis a problem or what the outcome of out exchanes will result in - yet!

"Thank you for kindly responding with the attachment, I have now been able to view what it was you were referring to. I have passed this on to our brand team for further review however after looking through myself there are multiple issues that customers seem to be having. We always recommend that if a customer is having problems to call us so that we can help with the issue they may be having. If there is an issue with a particular product of ours we would like to be given the opportunity to investigate it. If a customer has called us then we will be looking into the issues described by the customer.

As previously mentioned I have passed this along to our brand team to look into this further. Thank you for getting in touch with us and if you need anything further please do get back in touch"

Will adise if any further input.

Feb 22, 2018
Descaler light
by: Anonymous

Have Descaled my machine and the red light won't go off

Feb 22, 2018
another tip
by: Anonymous

I had the issue even before with the bigger milk so when I found one that worked well I cut off the bar code and just place it on top of the newer ones before I brew.

Usually that works but one of my machines is now doing the exploding thing....very frustrating as the coffee is fabulous. I am assuming the ice pick method just makes a hole through the middle of the disk. The "sideways" threw me.

Feb 17, 2018
Top light goes red when I try to start
by: Anonymous

Having successfully made one cup of latte the next one I inserted would not work. The top light goes red and nothing happens. Any suggestions?

Feb 16, 2018
Cappuccino Pods lock machine
by: Tim

I have never had this problem until I received new packages of Gevalia Cappuccino pods this week. I ordered my pods from Target online but I don't know what to do at this point. It seems that some of them work and some don't. Also that center piece of plastic on the side facing down seems to be the culprit. If it doesn't open up when the machine is pushed down, the pressure builds and the machine locks. I may just poke a hole in the center for each pod I use but I have five packages of these defective milk pods.

Feb 11, 2018
Helpful Inforation
by: Anonymous

I went to my local Bed,Bath and Beyond this week to
purchase Latte,etc. which thy still had on the shelf two
days prior....everything with a creamer and foaming
milk disc had been pulled. Talked to the manger (have a very nice and helpful store ) and said all these products had been
pulled off the shelf due to the problem of exploding and
machine locking up . I had no problems with the latte only with
the foaming milk disc which did lock my machine up. Asked
the store manager if these products were gone for good...said
they were not and has soon as they had the problem
resolved, the disc would be back and they were not being
discontinued !!! Hope this is right,,,,just thought I would pass
this on as I miss my Latte too !!!

Feb 08, 2018
Orange light and bottom red light on
by: Anonymous

Hi i had the machine for about 9 months and the lights have come on. I am trying to descale it. But it won't let me do anything. The machine makes no noise at all. Help please.

Feb 07, 2018
Coffee Pods
by: Anonymous

We have trouble with the coofee pods they seem to explode all over the place. Only started around mid Jan. Have tried cleaning, descaling and taking apart to no joy. Anyone any thoughts please!

Feb 04, 2018
If they ever fix the creamer disc issue
by: Clio

can some one post something up here if Tassimo ever does fix the creamer disc design flaw?

Like so many here, the new flatter creamer discs explode and lock up my tassimo T47...I called customer service here in the US NO HELP AT ALL. Just told me to take everything back to Bed Bath and Beyond and get refunds.

I am now using it as an espresso machine & making my own foaming milk.

I think Bed Bath and Beyond is starting to take tassimo discs off their store shelves, so that means I can only by them online.

Would like to use the creamer Tdiscs again if they ever fix this. Thanks

and they no longer sell the vanilla creamer discs here that I can find so can't use the fix below.

Was really a help to find this site tho. Otherwise I might have bought a new Tassimo machine when the problem is the discs. And Gevalia seems now to be making k Cups. Any new machine I get will be for K cups.

Feb 01, 2018
Tassimo helped out
by: Helen

Well following on from my comment on 24th I phoned tassimo with all my details and case no, and they couldn’t have been more helpful! They obviously accept there is an issue without actually saying so, my defective pods have been replaced free already, and my locked machine is to be repaired, they were clear that I had done the right thing by not forcing it open! so will post today. Only issue is that the prepaid dhl has to be taken to a parcel shop to retirn..not a huge inconvenience but would have been nicer to have a pick up.
But I am missing my coffee haha!!
Will post again when hopefully sorted out.

Jan 29, 2018
Tassimo support
by: Alex

Like many others my foaming milk pods refused to work and locked up my machine. Of course Tassimo support was closed over the weekend so I called first thing Monday/today. After I explained my problem I was told to return the pods which she told me were probably mishandled in transit resulting in the non performing discs. She apologized reading from a script but sounded sincere. I of course had other discs in my house tried them (different lot numbers) and the one I tried worked just fine. Very odd but I am happy for now. I did descale when I could finally get the thing open but it has not been that long since I did it anyway. Not convinced this will not happen again but will make sure I get two different lot number packages from the store if possible but don’t think they are labeled on the outside. Hmmmmmmmm

Jan 29, 2018
Quick fix for milk pod issue
by: Jan

Milk pod issue: until tassimo fixes the problem, my husband dissected a pod. He said if gonto the center of the pod and insert and ice pick side ways through the plastic walls into the milk storage area in 2 spots, your pods will work fine until tassimo fixes the issue. We have been doing this and it work and the milk is foaming perfectly. Good luck.

Jan 28, 2018
Same Cappuccino Problem
by: PhyllisD

I've had exactly the same problem as others have mentioned with the milk pods. The first few I tried seemed to work, but the last two have locked the machine and sent milk spewing everywhere when I was finally able to open it. (These are Gevalia pods.) I never had this problem with the older, larger pods. What a disappointment!
I hope the company can solve the problem.

Jan 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

Ive had my Tassimo machine for at least 4 years. Have taken good care of it (cleaning, descaling etc) But now the foaming milk creamers that were scaled down in size, explode! I have wasted several T CUPS thinking it was the machine. Wrong! Regular coffees work but not the milk creamers. Cappuccinos are out of stock on their website.
Hopefully Gevalia/Tassimo are fixing the problem!

Jan 27, 2018
Defective milk pods
by: Anonymous

The tassimo milk pods are defective since they halved the size. I have used milk pods from Costco milk pods that come with their cappuccino and they work fine. It is just the tassimo brand. If we poke a hole in top sideways, from the center out with an ice pick, it is better. Tassimo needs to research their design. I only stayed with tassimo for their great cappacinos, don’t ruin that for me please . Btw, I recently ordered 6 more boxes of milk and have gotten bad results from each box.

Jan 27, 2018
Foaming milk pod stuck in my machine
by: Alex

Glad (but sorry) to read all the other comments about the pods. I called the help number and got a recording that they were not working on the weekend. Will try again Monday. Thanks to who ever to save the faulty discs. Love the machine (my third) but hate that the company does not come out and say there has been a problem and that they are working on a solution. Loved the old discs. Just bring those back! Mine is locked up with pressure so it will not open and don’t want to force it. Hoping I can get some info from the company on Monday to open it so I can at least use it. My ad ice would be if you can take out the pod don’t retry.

Jan 27, 2018
Brand new tassimo...
by: Anonymous

I just bought a brand new Tassimo machine. It worked about one week. It has now stopped working completely. As soon as we put a new coffee disc in, the orange light goes on, and then the red light. We have tried cleaning the glass, cleaning the whole machine, even putting the descaling disc in, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? We would love to fix it, but we're ready to just buy à keurig.

Jan 24, 2018
Less sweet latte milks a nightmare
by: Helen

So pleased to read this..thought it was me!! About half of my latte milk pods fail in my Xmas present to myself, and yes, milk everywhere and I am cheesed off cleaning up the mess now! The latest effort this am resulted in lock down, as in I can not open it. Looks as if reading I need to wait wait wait. I have a case number and will contact them to see what suggestions they have at Tassimo! And hope I can get some free replacement pods too...lets see, all my other pods work perfectly.

Jan 22, 2018
creamers discs exploding for weeks now
by: Anonymous

I have de-scaled three times; use the service disc for cleaning out constantly, take apart the piercing unit almost daily (no obstruction of the air tube) and these all explode on me. I called US customer service; guy said he knew nothing about this; no refunds; no nothing

Jan 22, 2018
cleaned glass
by: Anonymous

works a treat now, problem solved, thank you! Saved me buying a new machine!

Jan 21, 2018
by: Anonymous

After complaining to anyone that would listen to me complaining for over a week that my coffee machine wasn't working I finally decided to look online and found this glourious website ... I can now have my Sunday morning coffee without having to boil the kettle and for that I salute you!

Jan 20, 2018
Need Work Around Method for Foaming Milk Disc
by: Anonymous

Machine totally locked up after using these disc..thanks to this web site I managed to get it unlocked...Tasimmo was no help at all...

I have 4 packs of milk disc and have seen a post that you have a "work around" to use these ....would love to know
how to do this...

Thank you

Jan 20, 2018
Latte pod workaround
by: Trogg

I’ve had a problem with the latte milk pods, with liquid failing to get through properly. You get half in the cup then when you open the pod compartment, the rest flows down the sides. Only happens with latte milk pods. The vanilla latte pods work fine, so I cut the area with the bar codes off one of them and put that over the plain latte ones and it then works perfectly. Unfortunately you have to experiment in getting the piece in the right place, if not the top "ready" light does not come on, only the "top-up" one so the button does not work. Hopefully someone at Tassimo will eventually cotton on and amend their bar codes for plan latte milk pods - just don’t expect any attempts by them to call back old stock in the meantime. Good luck, hope it works for others.

Jan 18, 2018
No Creamers!
by: Frank K

The new thinner foaming milk creamer T-discs from Tassimo are totally worthless. Water does not flow through properly. Tremendous pressure builds up during use, little comes through the filter and the clamping device locks up until pressure its released. When you finally get the lid to open milk goes everywhere. Be aware and don't use this new creamer T-disc at all! Tassimo no longer is offering the taller foaming milk creamer T-discs! Leaving my Tassimo coffee maker worthless.

Jan 15, 2018
Not all discs worked
by: Margaretanne

Thanks nick
Had cleaned machine still had the problem with discs not working made sure window was clear and pods worked.So will make sure window is sparkling😄
Thanks again

Jan 14, 2018
Thank you
by: Peter Bond

Solved the problem right away

Jan 11, 2018
Tassiimo creamer pods not working
by: Anonymous

My machine brews coffee, expresso perfectly . However, when making cappuccino the machine malfunctions when I try to use the creamer pod. Creamer runs all over the machine. I’ve tried cleaning the reader, smoothing out the barcode on the pod. Nothing helps!!

Jan 05, 2018
New thinner foaming T-discs don't work
by: Jerry S

The new thinner foaming milk creamer T-discs from Tassimo are
totally worthless. Water does not flow through properly. Tremendous pressure builds up during use, little comes through the filter and the clamping device locks up until pressure its released. When you finally get the lid to open milk goes everywhere. Be aware and don't use this new creamer T-disc at all!

Jan 05, 2018
New Foaming Milk Pods are Defective
by: MahwahMickey

The new foaming milk pods are half the size that they use to be and Tassimo Engineers will not acknowledge the fact that they have a problem. The smaller pods expand under the pressure and lock up the machine. I found a work around to use the pods I have, but Tassimo has to address the issue or I will give up my Tassimo.

Jan 02, 2018
Exploding milk pods
by: Anonymous

I just got off the phone with Tassimo and it is the design of the milk pods. They are working on them. Mine were Cup uf joe but the said it seems to be all milk pods. Try just coffee for now. Bed bath and beyond took mine back

Jan 01, 2018
Latte milk pods
by: Macklinian.

Just made a Costa latte on my vivvy machine and realised it was out of date before drinking it so opened another pack that i bought on the 29th of Dec
Tried 2 times and then was prompted to descale tried another 2 times without any luck. Are Bosch/ sorta aware of this problem or is this another example of pushing the consumer to buy the newer model?

Dec 30, 2017
Tassimo keeps running
by: Antonio

I have had my Tassimo for about 3 years and suddenly had a milk pod that spew milk out the sides. After cleaning, now it just keeps running no matter how many times I unplug. Just starts running through a full tank as soon as I turn on. Have cleaned the bar code but seems that a valve is stuck open. Runs with or without the cleaning pod inserted. Any suggestions

Dec 27, 2017
Two fixes ... 1: Orange light on but will not brew. 2: Brewer works but leaks into cup holder
by: Dr Joe

Over the past years, I have enjoyed some great coffee using this older model Tassimo (TAS 45111UC/01) brewer but on several occasions the unit inexplicably stopped working. I was reluctant to discard it since it was otherwise in very good physical condition. Luckily, relatively simple fixes were possible. The following are two of the fixes ...

Problem 1: "With the power on, the orange light lights up, but with the pod properly inserted, the unit will not read the bar code or brew". Before proceeding, try again with another pod. If the problem persists, remove the pod and wipe clean the rectangular plastic-covered bar code reader with a damp cloth or paper tower, and try again. If it still doesn't work, then a much more thorough cleaning of the bar code reader and pod-holding mechanism will be required. With the power off, using your two index fingers, reach back and lift up to un-clip the pod-holding mechanism. This will cause it to hinge upwards allowing greater access for removing all of the accumulated coffee grounds, stains, etc. with a wet cloth. Next, very thoroughly rub off the stubborn built-up hazy coating from the clear rectangular plastic cover of the bar code reader with a non-abrasive cleaner. (I have successfully used a folded-up paper towel moistened with a window or eye glass cleaner). Now, wipe everything clean with a wet cloth and re-clip the pod-holding mechanism back into place. Turn on the power, reinsert a pod and close the lid. The green light should light up and if so, the brewing process will proceed normally.

Problem 2: "The Tassimo brewer works but with some hot water seepage/leakage into the cup tray during the brewing cycle". This annoying condition is usually caused by either ... a buildup of calcium deposits in the pressure valve on top of the hot water heater preventing it from fully closing during the brewing cycle, or from a loose tubing connection. The former malfunction, a calcium buildup inside the hot water valve, is the more common malfunction and also, much easier to fix than a loose connection. Usually, one, but occasionally, two descaling cycles with a good quality descaling agent (e.g., Dezcal) will remove all of the calcium deposits inside the valve allowing it to fully close & open ... eliminating the hot water leakage. Fixing a loose tubing connection requires the dismantling of the unit which is not an easy undertaking. For details on this fix option, please go to www.fixya.com

Dec 26, 2017
I have a fix until Tassimo fixes it
by: Kate

Only my milk pods have a problem. I took the foil off of just the middle of the pod to expose the small plastic circle underneath. The plastic circle has a pice of straight plastic in the middle and I worked that out with a knife. Now the pod will work correctly. Before it was pressurizing but not pouring out milk. I think that small piece of plastic was in the way. It’s a pain to do this, but I love this machine and the milk pods are much better than any other brands and hope Tassimo fixes this soon!

Dec 22, 2017
Cappuccino pods explode
by: jaymabee

You need to call Tassimo customer to report the problem. They are investigating. They will need to know some numbers off of the silver packets so don’t throw them away. Call 877-834-7271

Dec 14, 2017
Why is my tassimo not working.
by: Anonymous

Descaled my tassimo and now the water is lukewarm and the cup only fills halfway

Dec 12, 2017
Add water to tank sign
by: Anonymous

How does I fix this problem? I have changed the filter and tried to rescale the machine and I keep getting the red light to add more water. It's full to the max line, I've emptied and refilled it, turned it on and off nothing is working. Please help?'

Dec 11, 2017
Bosch Tassimo Tavvy 2
by: Anonymous

Hi just bought Bosch Tassimo tavvy 2 was loving it for a week untill I went out and bought glasses and loads of drinks now not working it doest make the second pod on the kenco cappuccino or the Costa Caramel Latte ruined my day I've wasted 3 packs now wasted money and time 😠😠😠😠 don't buy one

Dec 10, 2017
coffee machine first timer - cant get it to work
by: Wendy

hi, i have ventured into the world of coffee machines for the first time. I think i have set it up correctly however when i try to make a Latte, it has dispensed the milk from the pod, i put in the coffee pod, the light is static orange but nothing happens - am i doing something wrong ?

Dec 10, 2017
Milk pods not working on new machine
by: Chris

I had an old tassimo mashine that started not emptying the milk container for Gevalia latte. I bought a New vivy 2 mashine & that has the same problem. I'm not happy With Bosch/tassimo & shall change to another maker. Anyone thats looking to buy a Tassimo mashine, don't.

Dec 08, 2017
by: Anonymous

The disc is in machine nothing happening the code is on right side of disc and is nowhere by the bar code reader

Dec 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

The problem with the milk pods is due to a design flaw in the new pods. They switched the size (height) but not the pressure that the old larger pods could handle. Now you are trying to push the same volume into a smaller container hence the leaking and exploding pods. This problem would require them to switch the coding in the makers which they simply cannot do on the older models. There is no fix, the reason you can't open the maker is the pod is swelling larger than the pod carriage allows, once the pressure is released (slowly over time in some cases) you can then open up the brewer. Simple high school math problem that they never took into account. Hope this helps all of you.

Nov 30, 2017
by: Anonymous

My Tassimo is leaking out the bottom right hand corner? What could be the problem?

Nov 29, 2017
Tassimo help!
by: Anonymous

I had a tassimo for a few years but it was starting to play up so thought it might be time to change. Brought a new one last week and used for a few days, no problem, then tonight, made a latte with a tassimo pod, and when I put the milk pod in, my lovely new machine started to make an odd noise, then stopped. After a few minutes I tried to open the flap, would not open, now after two hours still unable to open.

I’ve unplugged machine and still unable to open ——- help please!

Nov 28, 2017
Defective Cappucino Milk Discs
by: Anonymous

Several weeks ago I had an issue with King of Joe Cappuccino milk pods. I had Gevalia Cappucino milk pods and they worked fine. Both types of coffee discs worked fine. But when I put in a King of Joe milk disc the Tassimo would build up pressure but virtually no milk would flow out. When it indicated the cycle was complete the lid would not open. I had to wait several minutes for the pressure to go down and then I could open the lid. At that point built up pressure in the disc would release and milk would flow out around the disc. Out of 8 pods in that pack only 1 worked as it should have. Meanwhile, every Gevalia milk disc worked properly. After that bad batch of KOJ discs I purchased Gevalia Cappuccino and Gevalia Caramel Machiatto Latte discs. All worked flawlessly. Then I bought a 48 pack of Gevalia Espresso and three 16 packs of Cappucino Milk (Kraft). The first milk disc did the same thing as the KOJ milk disc. I had a Gevalia Decaf Cappucino milk disc and tried it and it worked perfectly. So my conclusion is buy Gevalia until Kraft/KOJ get this defect figured out. I purchased all of these items from Bed, Bath and Beyond. I will try a couple more discs from this recent batch, but if they don't work I will take it up with Bed, Bath and Beyond. I'm sure they will make it right.

Nov 26, 2017
Tassimo Vivy
by: Emanuela

Can anybody help please.. turn my tassimo on place the disc and nothing happens no noise just the lights on... please help!It is a new machine, the second one. The first one didnt work neither. I dont know what to do, it is so frustrating!!!

Nov 23, 2017
Coming out Luke warm
by: Anonymous

The coffees coming out Luke warm by then you drink it’s cold.
Barcode is clean it’s besn cleaned through
Any suggestions to why it’s not pipping hot?

Nov 21, 2017
Exploding milk
by: Rachel

Having the same problem with exploding milk. Happens in both of our machines. Tassimo sent replacement discs which are also exploding. Obviously a faulty disc production. Tassimo has no helpful response. Going to have to stop ordering these discs and consider switching to a different machine/ company. Any suggestions?

Nov 18, 2017
Milk disc problem
by: Anonymous

Yes! I've had the exact problem you described with milk discs this past month. It happened a few times but this last time the lid has jammed and I can't get it open.

Nov 17, 2017
Problem with Costa Milk discs.
by: Anonymous

I've still had massive problems with these discs and have been offered refunds from Costa but the issue still needs to be addressed by them so that we don't have any more problems with these discs. Their last email to me said " We will pass this on to our Costa At Home team for review with our suppliers." Let's hope they can sort it!

Nov 16, 2017
Milk not working right
by: RS

Ever since they went to the smaller milk t-disc we have had nothing but problems. Disc exploding, milk everywhere, lid locking and unable to open unlesss unplugging for 10-15 minutes. We have descaled twice and cleaned bar code reader. Anyone know of a permanent fix. Coffee t-disc work fine just the milk is the problem. Thanks

Nov 12, 2017
Foaming milk discs plugged?
by: Anonymous

Opened a recently shipped new batch of foaming milk discs and sounds like pressure building up and no flow. Machine stops cycle and can't get the lid up without a lot of force. Other discs work fine. I've cleaned, descaled, etc., but you can hear the plastic pod expanding. After running the disc, I compared to others and see more pressure needed to push through an empty milk disc than one of the others.

I sent email to Tassimo/Gevalia and see what they say.

Nov 07, 2017
please help
by: katie

My mums tassimo joy machine has stopped working. The cup icon is just static and no noise, nothing is coming on from the machine. Its been cleaned etc but nothing. Any ideas please?????

Nov 06, 2017
Costa Latte Pods
by: Anonymous

I am having a similar problem to one other people have mentioned here. I had two packs of Costa Latte in which the Milk disk would not work at all, you would put one in the machine would make some weird noises and eventually start flashing two red lights, the only way of getting the lid open was to use a bit force at which point the milk sprayed all over the place. I reported it to Tassimo and was sent £10 worth of vouchers to cover the two wasted packs. I have just had the same thing re-occur on another pack, contemplating reporting this to them as well as these things are not cheap and it would appear there is a problem with some of the disks.

Nov 04, 2017
Tassimo not working
by: Anonymous

Can anybody help please.. turn my tassimo on place the disc and nothing happens no noise just the lights on... please help thanks Andy

Oct 28, 2017
Fixed and unlocked lid ... amazing
by: Anonymous

So I wanted to share my fix.as I had a similar problem of using a milk disc, weird grinding and then no milk coming out and lid locked down for 2 days, almost tossed my beloved Tassie several times and tried prying open and banging on it upside down numerous times risking breakage to figure it out! FIX: Reading over and over about the "barcode cleaning fix" helping so many but not being able to access that with the lock down I decided to UNPLUG hold over sink and flush hot water into the spigot and surrounding area where disk was inside. The stuck 2 day old milk started to flow out along with built up grinds and i kept hot water flowing a good 10 minutes. I righted tje machine on a towel on counter to drain out water then plugged in, filled water container, set back inside sink and turned on power --- turned on off several times and held down the brew button ..
It worked! It cycled spewing more stuff and unlocked! I then took out removable parts soaked to clean, UNPLUGGED and turned upside down over sink again and flushed inside with hot sink water and cleaned barcode reader! After reassembling, I plugged back in set it inside sink and turned on power for a trial run and as soon as I did it just pulled water through and up like a fountain with lid open and no disk and no heated water. I let this go and kept refilling water for about 10.refills - I figured maybe the "memory" was full of all the times I hit "brew" over and over kinda like when you hit print over and over on your computer .... anyway, after a bit, I turned off power, stuck a coffee disk in to get it to shift into barcode reading again, like a "hard reset" when your computer goes wonky. It made a mess, just running water, not heating, not stopping
So I would power down, open top (not locking anymore - progress!) make sure barcode reader was clean, put same used tdisk back in, same mess, repeatabout 10 times. Then put in the cleaning disk and it started responding to that ok, so I put in the old (cleaned) empty milk disk that had been stuck for 2 days and HELLO TASSIE! WELCOME BAXK!

Oct 27, 2017
Tassimo milk discs
by: Anonymous

I have had a problem with the milk discs from the Latte pack. Either they explode or do not work properly.
I have wasted 3 packs of the milk and I know that it isn't the machine as I have had 3 machines in a few days. My first was still in guarantee.
All other discs work, i.e.. cappuccino, americano, chocolate and creamers.
The last 2 machines were brand new but because of the exploding milk one was ruined.
I dare not use anymore of this batch of dodgy milk and am sending it back to the suppliers. Which they have asked me to do.
Don't be fooled into thinking it is the machine needing cleaning, my last 2 as I said were brand new.
This was a Costa pack not sure if Kenco would be as bad.
Hope this helps.

Oct 25, 2017
Tassimo Joy has same problem as Leslie
by: HeatherM

MyTassimo Joy was cleaned and descaled on Monday, today it is making weird noises and sprayed the latte milk everywhere. I’ve cleaned everything again but it is still not working properly. Any suggestions?

Oct 22, 2017
Tassimo not working
by: Jacs

Hi Stephen I have similar problem to yours. Did you resolve this? I love my Tassimo and hate to throw it away and too expensive to replace : (

Oct 22, 2017
Works fine for espresso disc, fails on foaming milk discs
by: Gerry

Mine too! I have two machines and both have started playing up when using the milk pods as opposed to any other. I have only noticed this since using the new milk pods. Both machines have started to dispense milk but stopped suddenly and leaked milk when I opened the lid. After which, one of the machines completely locked up the lid and needed a good bit of brute force to get it open again. I stripped out the other machine and cleaned all the parts and actually found that the dispensing spout was blocked with 2 foil discs that had come away from the pod. Despite clearing the blockage it still does the same thing but I find that slamming the lid more firmly seems to sort it.

Oct 21, 2017
Bosch task of machine
by: Marlena

Hi my tassimo is not working the orange light is still on when I put the disc in and press the silver button .there is nothing happening can u help the prob.i have just went out and got all the discs for it.

Oct 21, 2017
Great tip
by: Anonymous

Fab tip back to my lovely coffee. Thank you.

Oct 19, 2017
Unresponsive button
by: Brenna

Suddenly button to brew coffee is completely unresponsive. The light is green but will not respond when pressed. The barcode reader is not dirty. Will try once more but this is the second Tassimo to misbehave. I think it’s headed for the trash bin.

Oct 17, 2017
Tassmio not working.

Hi, I've had my Tassimo for a few years now and I love it. But this morning it started playing up. When I put the 2nd pod in for my caramel latte, water and coffee started leaking from where the pod is inserted. Now when I power up the machine, it makes the noise and water pours from where the podcast is inserted. Nothing happens when I press anything.

Oct 17, 2017
Works fine for espresso disc, fails on foaming milk discs
by: LeslieN

I had a problem where I was using the foaming milk disc to complete my latte. All of a sudden, a weird popping noise happened, and the lid froze shut. The milk never came out. I reset the Tassimo, cleaned the bar code reader, ran the descale process and changed the filter. Seemed to run great when using the espresso disc. However, would still make a noise like it was having problems either sucking up the water or pushing it through the disk. It was a squealing/grinding noise. The milk slowly came out but was not foaming or frothing. The light turned solid as if it were finished. I opened the lid and swoosh! Milk sprayed all over the unit. Anyone else have this problem and if so, how was it resolved? I would hate to have to start over with a brand new machine such as a Keurig as I believe that Tassimo brews a much better product.

Oct 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

Great tip, back to nicely brewed coffee for me!!

Oct 10, 2017
all lights on Braun Tassimo flashing
by: Anonymous

cannot get unit to work.. it is clean but has been sitting for a month unused... cleaning disc does not help with descaler as it won't produce water through the unit. any ideas??

Oct 08, 2017
yup, this worked
by: Anonymous

worked like a charm. Thank you!!

Oct 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks for a great tip.

Oct 06, 2017
Works a treat!
by: Anonymous

Brilliant, we're back up and brewing! Thank you!

Sep 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your help,I'm back in business !

Sep 27, 2017
JUST a Miracle! ! !
by: Gene

WooooooooW......... boy was that little window covered with junk. Once cleaned......bingo.....
coffee started brewing.

Thank you for being the Coffee Detective. Gene

Sep 23, 2017
Quick clean = perfect
by: Anonymous

Oh I am so glad I checked here. Quick clean as advised and now works perfectly !! Thank you

Sep 22, 2017
Half a lukewarm serving
by: Louise

My Tassimo is only giving me about half a serving, whether it is regular coffee or a late. It is not very warm. It makes its usual start up noises, but does not give it the shot of steam it used to provide. I've made sure that the bar code is clean and it has recently be descaled. Any suggestions? Thanks,

Sep 12, 2017
easy fix
by: Anonymous

Yay!! Easy fix and turned my day around! Thanks for the info!

Sep 04, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the tip! Cleaning the little plastic window did the trick in seconds.

Sep 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Same problem for us too. Thanks to your posting all sorted and working again!!

Aug 30, 2017
Back in business
by: Anonymous

Thanks did the trick

Aug 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

I cleaned that glass where the bar code hits. Still no water coming out. Any other suggestions? Judy

Aug 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

it worked!

Aug 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the tip. Fixed in 2 minutes.

Aug 16, 2017
Thanks for the tip!
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem as Penny - all sorted now 😊

Aug 09, 2017
Same problem
by: Anonymous

Thanks, this worked for me as well. Have been pushing the manual fill button for a month. Was about to toss it out. Thanks for saving the day... and the machine... lol

Aug 04, 2017
Lights stay on and will not work
by: Brian bett

When I turn my tassimo on the three lights just keep flashing and the machine won't work any ideas

Aug 02, 2017
Cold Coffee
by: Gloria

My Bosch Tasismo will not heat. The coffee comes out cold. Any suggestions?

Aug 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, I had the same problem, and thanks to your posting, it works fine again.

Jul 25, 2017
by: BobC

Just made an Americano and a Latte and tried to make a second Latte when the machine stopped after the milk with the orange light on. It would not do anything after that. Switched on off but just the orange light stayed on. Left the machine for ten minutes then it worked correctly. Does this mean that making successive drinks can cause the machine to 'overheat' and shut down or is it starting to become faulty?

Jul 23, 2017
Brand new Tassimo brewer
by: Anonymous

Sounds like it is defective.
Return it to the place where u bought it with the receipt.
Good luck with that.

Jul 22, 2017
Brand New Tassimo Brewer Won't Work
by: Pam

We just took our machine out of the box, followed all the directions and the red water light will not go off and nothing happens. We tried the yellow disc and coffee disks but nothing works. It appears that no water is entering the machine at all.

Jul 15, 2017
Won't stop
by: Anonymous

Hi. The water just keeps coming out. No longer stops once coffee is made. Any hints?

Jul 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the tip, my girlfriend's same brewer was acting up and this fixed it right up. Thank you again!

Jul 08, 2017
Problem With Vivy Machine
by: Anonymous

Hey Everyone, Im having an issue with my Vivy Tassimo machine I think it needs descaling but when i add the cleaning pod the cup light turns red and it wont do anything
Does anyone have any suggestions ive cleaned the bar code reader and its still the same
Can anyone help me please
Many Thanks

Jul 04, 2017
Good as new
by: Anonymous

Ready to toss my Tassimo and read your suggestion to clean the glass where the disk reads the bar code.

Glad I read your suggestion. All is working again.

Thank you

Jul 03, 2017
add water light blinks
by: rick

add water light blinks regardless of all i did and wont descale nor brew

Jul 02, 2017
Dirty barcode reader
by: CJ

I have the same problem ref screen dirty ref reading barcode..I keep wiping over but not sure if I should use some sort of cleaner ?

Jun 23, 2017
cold water
by: Anonymous

My tassimo (Bosch) was showing it needed to be descaled and I did that (twice because the light would not go off). Now only cold water comes through... is it fixable???

Jun 18, 2017
It worked!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much!

Jun 13, 2017
Lights on but no water is coming through
by: Anonymous

Hi my tassimo has stopped working the red and yellow light are on but no water is coming through, I have no descaler tablet in the unit, would that be the reason

Jun 12, 2017
My tassimo lid won't open
by: Fiona

Hi my tassimo my lid won't open I put the cleaning pod in and it won't open . is it knackered

May 30, 2017
Fixed my Bosch Tassimo Joy
by: Tony

After taking the sides off the machine (there is a good YouTube video for that) I opened and cleaned the valves at the bottom and top of the heating element. The top is difficult to get at and involves taking the heating element off its suspensory coils. Both valves need a 30 degree clockwise turn to open. Be careful not to lose any of the inner bits, clean them, and reassemble. Then flush the whole system, with the orange disk in place, with very hot water in the reservoir several times. I found that this cleaned out anything that was still in the system.
It worked for me, but I cannot guarantee it working for everybody. Hope this helps somebody.

May 26, 2017
Still doesn't work
by: Anonymous

The green and red light work after cleaning. But nothing came out of the machine.

May 22, 2017
3 red lights
by: Anonymous

Hi I recently had a tassimo vivy bought for me but when's I went to use it this morning it just keeps flashing with 3 red lightship iv cleaned everything but still nothing.
Can anyone help

May 18, 2017
3 red lights
by: Anonymous

Hi we just got a 2nd hand machine and it won't work when we put any disc in it goes from yellow light to 3 flashing red lights even on the cleaning disk we gave cleaned the barcode reader and still nothing same thing sorry it's a vivy machine

May 15, 2017
+ green cup light
by: Anonymous

Yes ! Cleaning the glass screen worked , one last try before I binned my machine ... thank you 😊

May 15, 2017
Overflowing Bosch Joy
by: Tony

After 2yrs of excellent use, I now have the overflow problem. All seems to work well until half a cup of liquid has been dispensed, then the flow stops and boiling fluid collects in the bottom of the drip tray. On taking the sides off the machine. I can see that the collection is from an overflow tube from the pod unit to the drip tray. I feel that there is something in the pod unit which ‘ball-valves’ and so stops the flow or there is a pressure valve deep inside the unit which closes as the steam pressure begins to fall during the dispensing flow. No amount of cleaning or descaling has made any difference.
Has anyone any suggestions beside buying another unit?

May 07, 2017
siezed lid problem
by: Anonymous

I gave my machine a very good cleaning.
Descaling as well.
Made sure the bar code area is very clean.
It works well now.
Hope those ideas will help u out.
I also had to deal with a siezed lid for one week.

May 07, 2017
Seized lid
by: Maureen

I went to make a coffee this morning and all seemed to be okay.....but at the end of the brewing, I heard a hissing sound and coffee spit out. Then I tried to open the lid and it seems to be seized - cannot open it to get the disc out or put a new one in. Any ideas??

May 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Tassimo green light won't come on its not working been thoroughly cleaned

Apr 27, 2017
Tassimo vivy
by: Hannah

I dont regularly have a cuppa from my machine but i know its not dirty.i made an oreo drink this morning and only a red light popped up next to the top cup emblem so proceeded and i got a measly have a mug,ive tried pressing other buttons with another milk pod in but it just wasnt readind so then i decide to clean it with the cleaning pod thing and no matter what i was pressing nothing was happening.
To top it off i am drinking my oreo drink only to find part of a very small peice of red plastic(the sams colour as machine)which could only have got into my drink through the nozzle.
I have no receipt only the instructions. Help please

Apr 26, 2017
Small amount of water comes out
by: Richard

Tassimo vivy. was working fine but now only small amount of water comes out about half a cup. Clean reader and descaled but nothing happens still only smaill amount of water. Any ideas

Apr 25, 2017
Red light
by: Charleen

Sometimes I have the same problem as u with red light.
I think it sometimes doesn't read the code right.
It It can be quite sensitive.
I keep working with it until I get it working.
Take lots of patience.
Good luck with that.

Apr 23, 2017
Red light
by: Anonymous

Red light comes on when I close lid, I cleaned window and all removable parts, still not working and also doesn't recognize yellow cleaning pod!? What should I do?

Apr 23, 2017
lid locked
by: Charleen

This morning i managed to open it up without any problems.
Gave it a good cleaning & descaled it as well.
My green tea latte tasted great.
Regular cleaning really makes a big difference in any coffee maker.

Apr 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

ON off button not working donthey burn out tried cleaning can't drscalexas button not working

Apr 15, 2017
lid locked
by: Charleen

I am dealing with the same problem.
I have a pod in there now & I have no idea how to open it up.
So I am very stuck too.
I have a T-55 model.

Apr 09, 2017
Bar code reader.
by: Anonymous

I have a Tassimo T65 cleaned the bar code glass and descaled it does not make a difference as when i make a capucino only half the milk is dispensed. Is the reader faulty? Is it replaceable?

Apr 04, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have tried to Clean my machine but I took the piece of paper off which has the bar code on does that mean it won't clean because of that.

Apr 01, 2017
Water leaks?
by: Anonymous

My Tassimo Suny is leaking water from the slot you put the cup holder in,some coffee pours to cup but half the water leaks out under it? Any solutions?

Mar 31, 2017
Orange light but no activity
by: Chris A

The orange light comes on but nothing happens.
I've dried under the water tank, emptied and refilled the tank, stripped the nozzle out to clean, wiped the barcode scanner and flattened the barcode on the pod.
I have only used it four times and it's stopped.
After a the hype on TV advert, I find I'm very dussappinted!

Mar 27, 2017
red light wouldn't go off
by: glider53

Thank you to the gentleman who suggested cleaning the bar code reader... ITS WORKING AGAIN :)

Mar 27, 2017
Assistance required
by: Anonymous

The red light for the water reservoir is on and I cannot seem to proceed with anything until it resolved. Can you help at all?

Mar 17, 2017
Half volume
by: Roger

I only get half a cup of strong coffee. It also only gives half the milk when using for a capachino, there is always some left in the disc.
I have cleaned everything, run the program in the instructions etc. Can anyone help.

Mar 16, 2017
by: sandra

the red lights stayed on after I used the cleaning pod what can I do

Mar 16, 2017
Not working
by: Norman

I have had the machine about two years very good .one pod leaked coffee all over it and stoped ,have cleaned every thing but will not switch on .

Mar 11, 2017
by: melissa

hi my problem is a bit different the light that looks like sun shine on the left flashed red when i go to use is and i can't find out why! and now it has stopped filling the cut up properly! help!! please!!!

Mar 10, 2017
Frothy milk
by: Wendy

Hi, my problem is the flow of milk coming out of the machine. It is only coming out one side of the hole and the milk isn't frothy like normal. I have descaled the machine but this hasn't helped. I noticed there was a lot of water in the hole at the top (where the water runs through the pod into the machine).

Mar 08, 2017
Short measures!!
by: Anonymous

My machine seems to be only producing half the volume it should. Have cleaned and descaled. The barcode reader is clean. Any hints anyone?

Mar 06, 2017
Please HELP
by: Anonymous

I've just purchased a Bosch Tassimo machine and have followed the step by step setup guide.

It Turns on Fine and shows the orange indication light but when I tried to clean it with the yellow service cap in the back of the machine it wouldn't turn green to allow the machine to clean ready to make my first drink after trying the same procedure about ten times it finally did the clean cycle but once I tried to put a Costa latte cap into the machine it is continuously staying on the orange light and not moving to the green light.

I am completely Stumped all I want is a latte can anyone help it is brand new and never been used am I doing something wrong I've tried following online tutorials and can't seem to see what I'm doing wrong.

I've cleaned the bar scanner with a damp clean cloth ive checked all connection sections are secure I'm completely puzzled on this one

Mar 05, 2017
Foil blocking nozzle
by: Jeffo

My machine was playing up. During cleaning I noticed a small piece of foil from a pod had lodged in the nozzle. Once removed the machine worked fine.

Feb 27, 2017
Thank you!!!!!
by: Karen

Thank you! Bang on!!!

Feb 23, 2017
Thank you so much
by: Anonymous

Your instructions solved the problem.

Feb 19, 2017
Tassimo T45 switches on but doesn't work!
by: Elliott

My tassimo T45 has stopped working recently. Since we bought it, it has been working fine no matter how many coffees we made each day. Normally we'd make 3 or 4 coffees a day in it. However as of recent it has been switching on okay but whenever I put a pod in and hit start nothing happens. I've used my service disk, cleared the barcode area, flattened the barcode, took the nozzles out and cleaned them myself. Replaced the water but nothing is happening. It worked once to clean in the last week but since then I've been unable to make coffee. It's only 2 months old so can't be in any bad shape from 4 coffees a day? Help please!!

Feb 17, 2017
Simple but clear instructions - thank you
by: Anonymous

thank you so much !!! Simple, clear instructions that worked .. after trying to define the problem and not getting anywhere on the videos and tassimo site ... it was such a pleasure to find your site...

Feb 14, 2017
Nothing happens
by: Elliott

My tassimo is barely 2 months old. Only used once or twice a day. Recently it stopped working. The cup light is on as usual, the filter is on at the back as usual however when I put a disc in it does nothing when I hit start. The water is full, the barcode is completely clear. I've switched it off and on used different pods but to no avail. Any help?

Feb 07, 2017
Tassimo not working
by: Joe

Went to put my tassimo on nothing there at all change fuse over still nothing there can you help please.

Feb 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thankyou so much Nick. YOur solution has solved our problem too. We were just about to throw the machine.!!

Feb 05, 2017
Can anyone help
by: Anonymous

I've had my Tassimo for a year now. A couple of days ago I put my disc in as usual and pressed the button. The coffee went everywhere and it made a funny noise. I turned the machine off cleaned the coffee up and then made two drinks with it and turned off again. This morning I tried to turn the machine on and nothing happened. None of the lights turned on and no noise,just dead. Any ideas?

Feb 01, 2017
Red light
by: Anonymous

I've cleaned my machine.... rescale it... rinsed it but still the red light keeps coming on...
Can anyone advise what to do now ?

Feb 01, 2017
Not working
by: Anonymous

My bosch Massimo machine not working no light on the machine attall

Jan 30, 2017
tassimo not working
by: Anonymous

Plz help me. My tassimo T47 can switch on but does not work the cup appears but there is no noise that shows it is working. Sometimes the fill the water tank icon appears. The water tank leaks.

Jan 27, 2017
Watery drinks
by: Anonymous

I had my tassimo for Christmas and everything was going fine, we loved it but all of a sudden the drinks taste watery and I don't think all the coffee is being taken from the pods. Any ideas?

Jan 27, 2017
Tassimo Stopped Working
by: Anonymous

Thank you. Cleaning the reader worked like a charm.

Jan 26, 2017
Barcode on pod was the problem
by: Jan

Couldn't get the machine to work at all, I tried everything, in the end I smoothed the barcode flat on the pod with my finger put it back in the holder and the machine worked again. The barcode reader under the pod holder couldn't of been able to read the barcode so it stopped working..

Jan 25, 2017
Not brewing
by: John best

When I put the tdisc in the brewing light does not come on

Jan 21, 2017
Old water left in tank
by: Anonymous

Our beloved Tassimo machine went unused for a few months while we were out of the country, and some idiot (me) forgot to empty the water tank before we went.

Now the bottom of the tank is covered in crusty bubbles and the small disc that measures water depth is a weird greeney-grey colour.

Is it safe to use? We ran the cleaning cycle and changed the water but the coffee still smells and tastes a bit weird.

Jan 20, 2017
Another issue
by: Dave

Is if you spill a load of water at the back... how it knows? Not a clue but dry up the machine where the tank goes and it works again.

I have dealt with every issue here but 3 years later it's still working.

It's aggravating at times but in general really good

Jan 18, 2017
Problems with Tassimo Joy
by: Anonymous

I was about to return the second machaine I have bought in the last 6 months. Your comments below stopped me from returning the second one. Yes the order in which you do things is important. Turn machine on and then put in disk.
The first machine I had problems with the T disk. Was told by customer services to flatten the bar code with my thrumb which didn't work. Then to clean the bar code with cleaning liquid. So it worked for a few cups and then stopped again. Very frustrating and why doesn't Tassimo give clearer instructions? But thanks for useful comments below

Jan 17, 2017
Small drinks
by: Anonymous

I've had my tassimo for about a year and I buy the same pods each week.

A few weeks ago the machine started to make much smaller cups of coffee. I would guess about half the amount that it would usually make.

It is regularly descaled and the barcode reader is clean.

Any idea what is causing this?


Jan 15, 2017
Short measures
by: Anonymous

Seen same question asked before but can't see any answer. Bar code reader cleaned de scaled etc etc. Machine only produces roughly half measures. Any suggestions?

Jan 14, 2017
Tassimo Start button sticks
by: Anonymous

My Tassimo machine works but recently the Start button is a little difficult to push to activate and it is clicking like it is about to stick and stay stuck.

Before I try to take it apart, if I can, to fix it I thought I would ask if anyone else had this issue. If so how did you resolve it?

Thanks in advance,

Love my

Jan 13, 2017
Not working
by: Anonymous

the Orange light is on. I've cleaned the glass for the bar code reader and repositioned water tank but still not working any other suggestion? Please I'm missing my coffee

Jan 08, 2017
Not read pod barcodes
by: Anonymous

I had my second tassimo for Christmas. All working fine then suddenly it decided it wasn't going to read the Bircotes on the pods or maintenance disc. I did a thorough clean and paid special attention to Bargoed reader, still nothing but after a lit for fiddling I have found that it a put a little bit of pressure on the pod lid I hear a click, and the the orange light goes off and the green one lights up and it reads the codes. Obviously this means I have to stand there with my hand on the lid for it to work. Hoping it's a simple adjustment and I don't have to return to repair. Anyone got any ideas?

Jan 02, 2017
Tossimo not brewing
by: Anonymous

I thought I should share the solution to my tossimo..
The first time i turned it on the yellow button(ready) was on although the water was full. I cleaned the bar code scanner, re position the cleaning disc. But still not brewing. Water was full. Not brewing. Finally I had lifted the water container at the back and repositioned again. Boom! It brewed!
Hope this works for your tossimo. Mine works perfectly! Thanks for all the tips here.

Dec 31, 2016
Cold water
by: Anonymous

Have desalted but dispenses only cold water and weak cold coffee.

Dec 26, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymous

I had removed the bar code as i didn't realise it was important and just thought it was another bit of packaging. This saved Christmas! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

Dec 13, 2016
Tassimo quit working
by: AnonymousRena

Green and red light stay on. Will not work at all. I love my machine and have had it for a while. Help

Dec 10, 2016
Tassimo won't work
by: Anonymous

Took me quite a while, but I finally realized that the order of operations is the most important fix. Turn the machine on, before you put the disc into the machine, especially if you are using the Service T Disc. I was leaving the Service Disc in the machine while descaling or cleaning. Once I turned the machine off and on and then put in the disc, the Tassimo performed beautifully. None of the directions show this very important simple step.
Hope it works.

Dec 05, 2016
All lights flashing
by: Phil love my coffee

I noticed other people have mentioned all lights flashing but could not read any further?! Is it the end of my Tassimo or is there a fix? Model is pre bar code reader!!

Dec 05, 2016
new vivy machine not working
by: Anonymous

I brought this machine and have tried to do the initial running of the cleaning the machine numerous times. The cup light comes on but nothing else happens despite me making sure that everything is done right.

Dec 03, 2016
Fill light fix
by: Anonymous

If your machine won't work and the fill
Light is on even though its full...
In the water tank is a float at the bottom.
Take it out and rub it with another stonger
Magnet for about two minutes. Then put it all back

Nov 28, 2016
No water flow
by: Dale

I have a Bosch Tassimo coffee maker. And the motor runs but no water comes through. I've tried decalcifying but no water comes through in that process either. I've tried resetting the machine but that does not help. I've cleaned the bar code reader window, but that does not help. Would appreciate advice. Perhaps there is just a blockage somewhere and there's nothing to correct it?

Nov 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have been stood here for half an hour trying to get my tassimo to work, no water would come through. Read the advice about cleaning the plastic so that it can read the pods barcode. Awesome advice, worked straight away 😁

Nov 22, 2016
Basch Tassimo 'fill water' message on but IT IS FILLED WITH WATER
by: Anonymous

I have a problem with my Bosch Tassimo brewer. It turns on just fine. The reservoir is filled with water but the read-out says 'fill water'....I don't know what to do??

Nov 22, 2016
cold coffee
by: Anne

Coffee maker cleaned and descaled even thought the descaler light will not turn off...now serving luke warm coffee....help....I need my fix...any advice greatly appreciated..

Nov 20, 2016
by: rachel

my tassimo machine runs through as normal but the coffee is cold the the descaler and more water red lights flash HELP????

Nov 20, 2016
Lid Locked
by: Anonymous

The Tassimo Vivy has decided to put a permanent orange light on and lock the lid so now its a block of plastic and metal scrap!

Nov 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

Tried cleaning it not much help put a different disc in worked perfect? Maybe a faulty disc but all the comments on this thread helped solve it so thanks

Nov 19, 2016
All light flashing
by: Anonymous

When i turn on my taddimo all lights are flashing and it does not wor

Nov 18, 2016
by: Anonymous


Nov 18, 2016
red and green flashing lights
by: anne bramwell

both the red and green lights are flashing on my Bosch Tassimo machine I have cleaned the glass checked the water what else can I do

Nov 18, 2016
Very noisy Tassimo
by: Anonymous

When switched on my tassimo makes the two or three short noises but when it starts to brew the noise at the front of the machine is horrendous. I cleaned the reader and I also used Bosch cleaning tablets. Is there anything I can do?

Nov 14, 2016
red light staying on
by: Anonymous

I have followed the cleaning and descaloing instructions in the user manual of my tassimo sunybut the red light is still on,and it is not brewing properly.what do I need to do?

Nov 08, 2016
Tassimo not working
by: Tonya

I have the tassimo t45 it turns on fine, no flashing lights. I've cleaned it, reset, descaled, everything and it's not working properly. It doesn't brew hot water at all and it just runs and runs water non stop. Any suggestions?

Nov 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

The red lights on my tassimo continue to flash and will not perk ..why....could really use some help

Nov 05, 2016
Both lights flash
by: Anonymous

My tassimo starts filling up the cup it's not hot water and it stops mid point then both red lights flash. I have cleaned it and checked the bar code reader and reset it but nothing changes what do I do

Oct 26, 2016
by: Lee

Turned on. But red light keeps flashing.. please help..

Oct 18, 2016
by: Dave

Thanks for the advice! It worked! THANK YOU FOR THE POST! My partner is now going cartwheels in the kitchen once again!!!

Oct 16, 2016
Bosch Tassimo
by: Anonymous

Coffee mug will only fill up a quarter, we have cleaned the bar code reader as the instruction manual,descaled,cleaned it & still no change, it seems as though it is missing a process during the filling cycle, tried different pods & still no luck, any ideas.

Oct 02, 2016
Easy when you know how!
by: Stu

Hi Nick

On your advice checked out the bar code glass and sure enough it was filthy! Cleaned it up, retried.

Thanks so much for sharing this fix!


Oct 01, 2016
thanks, worked a treat!
by: tim

Thanks, worked a treat!

Sep 14, 2016
green lights stays on
by: elsie

My Tassimo suddenly quit giving a cup of coffee.
Yet, the green light stays on. It does not make any noice when it is switched on.

Sep 14, 2016
Thanks thanks thanks
by: Gary

Son took his Tassimo to University and it has not worked after 2 days. Brought it home and we just fixed it! Thanks so much

Sep 13, 2016
Thank you !
by: Narumito

My mother is making everyday coffee using this machine and she had this problem too and I was able to fix it after cleaning the glass thing . Thank you again !

Sep 12, 2016
Bosch tassimo coffee maker
by: David

Thanks so much.Fixed the problem immediately.

Aug 29, 2016
Will not start
by: Lori

when I turn my machine on, it only shows the standby in yellow and the descaler in red and won't turn on. I've tried the service disc and it still won't change, and I've held the start button down for a few seconds, still no change.

Aug 16, 2016
Saved me buying a new one
by: Anonymous

Had the similar issue, I wiped clean the window area for the barcode but no change. Then I decided to try another disc, and it worked. Perhaps the disc was just bad, but either way, I'm brewing again and have $100 in my pocket to keep.

Aug 10, 2016
Fab tip !!
by: Tracy

Thank you for the tip, was just about to throw mine out of the window, tried your tip and it's working 😃😃😃

Jul 31, 2016
T-Discs Not Recognised
by: Carol Channon

So logical and the answer to my problem. I just couldn't understand why my machine accepted the descale disc, but not the coffee pods. Thank you so much.

Jul 25, 2016
by: Gerri

Before Google it would have cost me a new machine...Thank you worked like a dream :)

Jul 04, 2016
Tassimo stopped working suddenly!
by: Manda

Brilliant! THANK YOU Nick! I don't know what we will do without the internet!!! Works 100% again :-)

Jun 30, 2016
Barcode window
by: Debbie

Just bought a brand new machine same problem thanks it works perfectly now after wiping with a piece of kitchen towel 😄

May 14, 2016
Thank You!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much! I just cleaned the barcode reader and it works like a charm. :)

Apr 10, 2016
Absolute rubbish
by: Really annoyed!

I too seem to have the same problem everyone has, inasmuch that there is very little water coming through. I have tried all suggestions previously mentioned but to no avail! I only purchased this one month ago, so it can only be faulty from the outset.
I am very very disappointed that Bosch have manufactured such a rubbish coffee maker .... And by the sounds of things I am not alone in thinking this.
If anyone has any other suggestions besides cleaning the bar code I would love to hear from them.

Apr 02, 2016
Not working
by: Anonymous

My tassimo showing the descaling light but wen i start process the tassimo hums the start light and descaling light flash then nothing. Has full water clean code reader

Mar 19, 2016
Stopped frothing
by: Anonymous

Hello my Tass was bought at Christmas last year and was fine until recently it stopped frothing the coffee. We cleaned it etc as per advice on here. Made a new coffee today a little froth and tastes horrible. Help!

Feb 11, 2016
water everywhere
by: sj

My Tassimo starts okay makes half a beverage and the rest of the water winds up on my counter. I tried cleaning out the machine, cleaned off the reader window, changed the water, unplugged it, turned it off and on, used the water disc and still it doesn't work properly.
Also, it is the very first model of Tassimo.
Can you suggest anything I haven't tried?

Jan 24, 2016
Red light
by: Anonymous

When I press to brew the orange light turns red no other light comes on ie water descaling I've tried cleaning barcode reader flatten out barcode stripped nossel it won't clean or anything help

Jan 11, 2016
by: JT

Thank you so, so much for the advice which worked a treat! I was pulling my hair out (the small amount left of it!) and was having to resort to instant coffee - yuck!! Now in business again - hurrah!!

Dec 17, 2015
not hot
by: Anonymous

I got my tassimo in Oct (not even weeks) and it now isn't hot water. Can you tell me what to do?

Oct 28, 2015
Pre paid pods?
by: Sally

We have a Tassimo brewer at work but I can't afford that for one cup of coffee so I bought my own pods but I can't get the one at work to brew, is this something because of the prepaid pods?

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