Can I still get one of the original Keurig brewers, like the B40 Elite?
by Bettie N.
(Cleveland, OH)
Keurig B40 Elite Brewers
Keurig B40 Elite control panel
Keurig B60 Special Edition control panel
Keurig B70 Platinum control panel
I want to get a Keurig brewer, but am feeling nervous because of an awful story told to me by a friend. She bought one of the new Keurig 2.0 brewers, and now she says the K-cups she buys are the supermarket don’t work!
Can I still get one of the original Keurig models?
Betty, hi
I imagine your friend is not alone! I think a lot of people bought a Keurig 2.0 brewer without understanding that it includes a scanning device that makes sure it works ONLY with approved K-Cups. You can recognize these K-Cups because they have a little green dot on the lid.
This is all part of Keurig’s effort to stop people buying K-Cup coffees produced by companies that are not licensed with Keurig.
In addition, you can't use the My K-Cup reusable coffee filter with the Keurig 2.0.
I have written a page about the various Keurig brewing systems here. But if it’s the original models you want, keep reading.
The original Keurig brewers work with any and every type of K-Cup, wherever you buy them, and whoever makes them...and yes, you can still buy these brewers.
There are three main models to choose from: The Keurig B40 Elite, the Keurig B60 Special Edition, and the Keurig B70 Platinum.
BTW - these models are also known as the K40, K60 and K70. Same machine, different model name.
The first photo above shows a stack of B40 Elite brewers on sale at my local Wal-Mart.
All three models work in the same way, and have the same brewing head. The only real differences lie in the bells and whistles. And the B70 has a larger water reservoir.
If you click through the other three photos above, you can see the different buttons and displays that come with each model.
If you can’t find them locally, the links below will take you to pages at, where you can buy these brewers online, with free delivery.
Keurig B40 Elite
is the base model, and just offers a couple of different brew sizes.
Keurig B60 Special Edition
has a different kind of display, and offers three different brew sizes.
Keurig B70 Platinum
model has an updated control panel, offers five different brew sizes and adjustable brew temperature settings.
But as I said, all three have the same brew head and, most important of all, work with any kind of K-Cup from any company...and accept the My K-Cup reusable coffee filter, so you can use any loose coffee you buy from the store.
I hope this answers your question!

The original Keurig B70 brewing system, also known as the K70.