Every student wants a coffee maker in their dorm room.

by Nick (Coffee Detective)

It’s that time of year, and students are scrambling to get a coffee maker to have in their dorm room at college.

And naturally, they are chatting about their plans, successes and frustrations on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Here is a sample of what people have been saying.

# Fridge: check. Coffee maker: check. Dorm room key: still waiting!!

# Im leaving for college in a month and all i can think about is... finding the perfect coffee maker for my dorm room, or else I wont survive.

# Looking at dorm stuff online. I really want a pink coffee maker, its so cute.

# just bought a coffee maker and mini fridge for my dorm. heck yes!

# Well so far I have a coffee maker, laptop, and mouse pad for my dorm. I'm making such wonderful progress..not..who needs sheets anyway.

Unfortunately, not everyone’s plans have a happy ending.


Check out our page on dorm room coffee makers:

A couple of good single serve dorm room coffee makers...

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