Oddly poetic responses to coffee stains. Plus a lion. And socks.

by Nick (Coffee Detective)

When looking through Twitter and Facebook for people’s reactions to coffee stains, I was expecting to find lots of anger and frustration. The damn and blasts of spilling coffee on the way to work. That sort of thing.

Strangely, while there were a few car spill stories, most of what I found about coffee stains was more introspective, almost poetic.

For good measure, I have added even stranger entries about a lion, and socks.

# I dont put away the dishes cos theyre all my dishes. Or the dishes in the dish rack. Or the food & coffee stains on the counter

# I think I would be fine with coffee rain - even considering the potential clothing stains .

# Like coffee stains splattered on you sweatshirt, there isn't any pattern.

# Coffee stains are the story of my life

# Love is like a coffee coaster. It takes the heat of passion, the bitter coldness, the stains of past spills, and serves as a cushion when you need rest.

# Amazing how much like watercolour the coffee stains look. Beautiful. As a coffee-lover I love the idea of using it for art!

# Many thanks for your advice, minions, the coffee stains are all gone. Now how do I get lion blood out of a Stone Table?

# Socks: noun. Used by slobs to absorb coffee stains on cubicle desks, whilst still wrapped 'round their foot... and no one is else is 'round.

If you are more concerned about coffee staining your teeth, see this thread - Does dark roasted coffee stain your teeth more?

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