Sometimes it isn't the coffee maker that's broken. It's you.

by Nick (Coffee Detective)

Is your coffee maker broken, or is it you?

Is your coffee maker broken, or is it you?

For many of us, coffee is an essential part of waking up in the morning. Without it, we can get really grumpy.

As you can see from a previous coffee buzz entry, a broken coffee maker is reason enough to start screaming in the morning.

But, of course, sometimes the problem isn’t with the machine at all. It’s with the user.

And yes, some people are big enough to admit their mistakes.

Here are just a handful of recent entries taken from Facebook and Twitter.

# lol i just failed at making my coffee. I forgot to put the coffee in the coffee maker

# DoH!! Set my coffee maker this am for 730pm. Got up and saw a pot of hot water... Forgot to put in the coffee grounds! Anyone want a cup of hot water? he he

# It would prolly help of I put water in the coffee maker instead of sitting here wondering why my coffee isnt done yet...

# As I was preparing for the morning I fill my coffee maker and hit delay brew. . . . Well, either my coffee maker is STUPID or I hit the wrong button because now I have a full, fresh pot of coffee at 10 at night!! Now what? lol

# so tired! Couldn't figure out why coffee was takin' so long ta brew! I didn't have water in the coffee maker!

# Hmm. Looks like someone forgot to add water when setting up the coffee maker last night. Frick. Frack. Fiddlesticks.

# Not only was the coffee filter not seated properly, but I forgot to put the pot under the coffee maker. It was like caffeine poop. EXACTLY why you should have coffee BEFORE you get out of bed in the morning.

If you’re looking for an easier way to make coffee in the morning, maybe you should consider a single cup coffee maker...

Single cup coffee brewers.

Or maybe they just need to remind themselves how to make coffee.

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